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Soul: She can manipulate her own soul and the souls around her to do a number of different things. She can give and take immortality, make soul weapons and control a person's body. She can see the souls of people and tell what type of person you are, and if you would make a good weapon.

Drawbacks: She can't use it on more the 10 people at a time. No amount of training can change this.

Fun facts:
• The choker on her neck changes color depending on the strength and character of a person's soul. Different colors mean different things and the brightness of a color is how strong it is. A shiny orange color would mean a strong willed mischievous person willing to get up to trouble to entertain themselves. Dull green would be a kind caring person with a weak will and not much to give but themselves. A glossy red might mean a horrible person with only the will to live and get what they want.

• Each soul is a unique weapon, even if the only difference is the color. Once a soul takes a weapon form it stays that way until death.

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