3 Years Later

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- Izumi's POV-

I was training with Quinn when the handy bastard call us up to the bar.

" Yo you two come up here for a minute." Shigaraki yeld down from the bar.

" What do you want you hand cover motherfucker?" Cussing at shigaraki is a little game of mine.

" Your game isn't fun so stop it right now!" Shigaraki hates my games but they are fun to me.

" Bitch what do you want before I go to bed!" I was about to stop training and then go to bed but Shigi called us before I could get the chance.

" We are going to go try and kill all might in about two hours so be ready." As much as I would like to kill all might I also wanted to sleep.

" I have one thing to say to you you motherfucking hand rip off of the sand man HELL NO!" I wasn't going to willingly do this but if you missed a word I did say willingly.

" Who said you had a choice sensei said you have to do it." Sensei's orders were absolute at least for me I couldn't disobey my dad.

" You win this time but I will slap you when I wake up I'm going to take a nap." With that I left the room and went to mine.

Time skip an hour brought to you by fishies.

- Quinn's POV-

Izu was still asleep so I went to walk around the city.

' Everything is so boring without my Lil'rabbit around she always makes things fun.' I was on my way back to the bar when I spotted Izu's favorite sweets shop.

' Might as well get her something.' I was thinking about what to get when I got the best idea ever.

" Excuse me miss but can I get two of the sugar cookies and two spicy curry buns thank you." Izumi hates spicy food so I was going to prank her. I left the shop and went back to the bar when I got home Izumi was awake and slapping the shit out of shigaraki.

" Hey Lil'rabbit I have sweets so stop slapping Shigi." Izu stopped and walked up to me.

" Gimme the goods now Wolfy or I'll kill you." Izu doesn't play when when it comes to sweets.

" Here a sweet bun from that shop you like." Izumi put the bun in her mouth and then spit it out.

" Lil'rabbit what's wrong wi-" half way through my sentence I got slapped by Izumi ( It was at this moment Quinn knew he fucked up ).

" FUCK YOU WOLFY YOU ORANGE SOULED BASTARD!" Izumi seemed pissed so I got her a glass of water and gave her the cookie I got her. That was the end of my wierd day.

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