Getting Serious

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Once everyone was up Kurogiri served breakfast and coffee with pain pills. Everyone thanked Mamagiri before digging into their food. While they were eating breakfast Sensei called. He had called last night and almost immediately hung up. Now that everyone was somewhat sober he explained that they were moving forward with the plan to kill All Might and reshape her society and the world as they knew it. Everyone said they understood and then Sensei hung up. Tomura got up and ran to the bathroom as soon as his master was gone. Dabi went outside and Kurogiri got some water and ginger ale. The two came back and Dabi grabbed the ginger ale while Tomura grabbed the water. Now it was Toga and Twice's turn to empty the contents of their stomachs. Kurogiri grabbed a pink lemonade and a normal lemonade this time. This kept happening until everyone except Kurogiri himself had thrown up and was given their choice in hangover drinks. After breakfast, they went to one of the planning room to here what Sensei had planned for their next step. They were going to attack the UA sports festival to introduce themselves on a wider scale and to let UA know that they had two of their students and the villains they had already captured. They were given a week to prepare since the sports festival would be on Friday of next week and today was Friday. Saturday was spent deciding who would get and do what by having a gaming tournament consisting of Mario Cart, Halo, and Call of Duty. The loser would gather people working with the league and the winner got to go get the explosives. Tomura won because he had played all of these games multiple times and Spinner lost. Izumi and Izuku went to go get paint and colorful smoke bombs, Dabi and Quinn went to get the list of heros from Hitoshi who was also a spy they had in UA. The rest of the league also went to do the task they were assigned. By next Friday they would be ready, and UA would be in shambles.
I'll have the next chapter up by next Friday but for now I'm going to sleep.       

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