Lil'rabbit's recall

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- All Might's POV-

The heros were all gathered at UA high discussing how we had found the villains hideout and we're going to storm it today.

" Ok everyone we need to move out now before the villains have time to do anything today!" Everyone was on there way to the bar that the villains were hiding in.

- Izumi's POV-

The mission to kill all might was cancelled due to me slapping Shigi hard enough it gave him a concussion.

' I'm so dead the next time I see dad oh god I slapped him to hard I've got to learn how to control my strength' as I finished my thought the wall was blown up and all anyone could hear was the word SMASH as it did so.

" Villains fear for I am hear." I took out a peice of Quinn's soul and formed two katanas.

" What the hell that wall cost money you dipshits!" The heros all came into the base so I started fighting them.

Time skip brought to you by Author-Chan not knowing how to write battles.

Some how the heros won and chained every body up so I did one thing that felt right.

" Why didn't you make a plan for this you handy motherfucker!" I glared at Shigi while the heros all looked at me like they were trying to figure something out.

" Hey little girl have I seen you somewhere before?" Asked a hero with got damn cat ears.

" I don't know you fucking faker have you got memory loss or something you fucktard!" At my words the heros jumped back a little bit.

" Your the little girl that went missing did these villains kidnap you?" I tried not to but at the idiotic statement of this dumbass I had to laugh.

" Wolfy didn't hahaha... kidnap me after my mom died I came here of my own free will haahaa...they gave me a nice bedroom too they let me decorate and everything go look for your self room at the end of the hallway."

The cat eared bastard went to what I assume was my room but just to make sure I yelled at her.

" My door has LKR on it so yeah!" I put my villain initials on my room door and I think one of the heros realized who I was.

" Don't open the door to that room that's the Lil' KillerRabbit's room." A hero with black hair a scarf and a pair of goggles yelled.

" No fair I rigged my room with explosions just to take off people's hands." The hero team all grabbed a villain and stuffed them in a truck lucky for me I got a truck with Wolfy.

" Hey looks like we're stuck together for a while Wolfy." Using people's villain names are so much fun.

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