An Off Day

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- Quinn's POV-

On the car ride to were ever we were going I fell asleep with Izumi on my lap when I woke up I was on a couch with Izumi still on my lap.

" So why are we here at where ever we are?" I asked the bear mouse hybrid thing sitting in front of us.

" Well we can't very well put you in prison so we came up with a plan for you two we enrolled you in UA class 1-A." I didn't realize that Izumi was awake until now

" NO I WILL NOT BE SURROUNDED BY MY LEAST FAVORITE EXISTENCE!" Izumi was awake and ready to go slap the thing in front of us.

" Let's start on a simpler note my name is Quinn and this is Izumi or if you watch the news Lil'KillerRabbit and Wolfy." I introduced us to the hybrid thing.

" My name is principle Nedzu nice to meet you two." Izumi was off my lap and roaming the room.

" Nice office hey Wolfy to answer the were are we question we're at UA right now." Nedzu shook his head to tell Izumi she was right.

" Yes you are at UA right now and you two will be staying in UA's dorms classes for you guys starts tomorrow at 8:15 am Eraserhead will show you the way to the dorms." A hero walked well the more accurate term would be jumped in to the office in a yellow sleeping bag thing.

" If I have to stay here can I at least get the stuff from my room put into my dorm?" Izumi asked the principle  thought about it but said sure then we were shown to our dorms.

-3rd POV-

As Quinn and Izumi arrive at the dorms no one but them is there so they go to the kitchen and get some food. After they raided the kitchen Eraserhead showed them there rooms and left them there to do whatever because of the fact that he was lazy.

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