Stink bombs

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Welcome. I have risen from the dead like Jesus on Easter day. Here have an update for your troubles. Enjoy my friends.

- Quinn's POV-

Izumi, Izuku, Shoto, and I were sitting in a room planning how to prank the giant building that was U.A.

" What if we spray paint stuff on the building?" Izuku suggested.

" Nah that's lame. Think of something that will last a while and be hard to get rid of." Izumi said as she twirled in her chair. While Izumi was spinning her pants rubbed against the leather of the chair making a noise akin to the sound of a fart .I got an idea.

" What if we planted stink bombs in the dorms. The smell will last a while and be hard to get rid of. We can spray paint our team name on the front of the building so they know who did it too. That way we get the credit for the prank and get the students publicly humiliated at how bad they smell."

- 3rd POV-

Everyone nodded and they got to work on gathering the necessary equipment for their prank. Izumi and Izuku went to make custom stink bombs and sleeping gas, while Shoto went to get the stuff they would need to climb the building. Quinn went to get the required amount of spray paint cans. Once all the supplies was gathered they met up in Izuku's room. Izuku had emerald green walls and a hardwood floor. His bed sheets were black and white also.

They dumped all the stuff onto Izuku's bed before coming up with a plan on how to do this

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They dumped all the stuff onto Izuku's bed before coming up with a plan on how to do this. The plan was simple. The Midoriya siblings would leak sleeping gas into the vents to take care of anyone who might be awake at 2:35 am such as the insomniacs or the goths. After they made sure everyone was asleep they'd sneak in and plant the stink bombs in various places around the dorms while Quinn and Shoto worked on spray painting the building. They put all there stuff in one bag then went out to get Izuku his new costume. They dyed his hair black and gave him yellow snake like contacts to put on. They got him a black hoodie and some black skinny jeans. And, after they realized that this was a lot of black, they gave him some red boots to put on.

 And, after they realized that this was a lot of black, they gave him some red boots to put on

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After they all put on their costumes they snuck in to U

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After they all put on their costumes they snuck in to U.A unnoticed. As expected there were still one or two or five people awake playing video games. Izuku put the sleeping gas in the vents and 5 minutes later the remaining students were asleep. Izuku put on his gas mask since his sister was already wearing one and the two jumped into the building through the vents.

 Izuku put on his gas mask since his sister was already wearing one and the two jumped into the building through the vents

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The Midoriya siblings had 12 bombs to place around the dorms. They placed two in the purple perverts room. They placed three in the kitchen. One in each community bathroom building up to a total of five for each floor. Then they place the last two in the common room. While they were doing that Quinn and Shoto were spray painting horrible puns onto the building like ' The U.A dorms STINK.' or ' Do you smell that?' along with the name of the team. When they finished all four of them regrouped and went back to base. Izumi hacked into the security system so they could watch the chaos when Izuku pressed the button to set off the stink bombs. As soon as all the bombs went off everyone was up and running out of the building trying to get away from the smell of puke, rotten eggs, and burrito fart. When they reached the front of the building they saw the paint and immediately went to go get a teacher. Together they all just stared at the huge mess that the four animal themed villains had made of the dorms. Said animal themed villains were currently laughing their asses off at the reaction they got from the class of wannabe heros.


I found this while I was looking for a picture of Izuku as an animal.

I found this while I was looking for a picture of Izuku as an animal

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My favorite part is that All Might is a mole.

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