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- Uraraka's POV-

The teacher walked into the room and went to the podium and started talking.

" Ok tomorrow we're going to get new students they're at the dorms right now quick heads up they are villains most of you know them as Wolfy and Lil'KillerRabbit now talk among yourselves while I take a nap." As Sensei got in his sleeping bag I walked over to Izuku to talk to him.

" Hey Izuku what do you think about villains joining our class?" Izuku looked at me then said.

" I'm scared what if they try to kill us." Everyone was talking to each other until the bell rang for dismissal.

- Izumi's POV-

I was sitting in the living room with Wolfy when some kids walked into the dorms.

" Wolfy who are they and why are they here?" Quinn looked at me and then gave me the obvious answer.

" How the hell am I supposed to know that?" I thin lk the kids heard him cause they came into the room.

" Well great Wolfy you made too much noise!" I was mad because I was tired and Wolfy knows that.

" Lil'rabbit I think you need some sleep." I was about to answer when I heard some crying so I looked up and saw my little brother bawling his eyes out.

" Baby brother I missed you so much!" I jumped on Izuku like I was trying to get the last cookie Kurogiri made.

" Hey Izu were's Katsuki?" Before he could answer I got my answer from Bakugo himself.

" FACE ME NERD." I turn around and see Wolfy next to Bakugo who looks like he wants to fight.

" Bakugo I wouldn't mind fighting you but don't fight Wolfy if you kill him he won't be able to come back to life!" Wolfy could totally kick Katsuki's ass but I don't want Katsuki to die.

" Alright Izu-" I cut Bakugo off before he could say my name.

" Katsuki call me LR until tomorrow because I wanna say my what name is." Before I could fight Quinn stopped me.

" What the hell Wolfy I was about to kick this guy's ass!" I new why Quinn stopped me but I didn't care.

" You would have done more than kick Katsuki's ass you would have killed him in like two seconds with life control now come on you need a nap seriously bad." I was surrendering because he was right.

" I am not a child Wolfy I don't need a nap!" Right after that sentence Quinn layed my head on his lap and I was out like a light bulb.

- Quinn's POV-

Everyone was standing there with this look of confusion on their faces.

" What this the only way to get her to sleep when she's angry. Got a problem with it?" Everyone went to do something else while I fell asleep on the couch with Izumi.

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