Break Day

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-Izumi's Pov-

I was sitting in the living room in the dorms when I had the best idea ever. I jumped up and ran to Quinn's room so that I could see if he wanted to come.

" Hey Quinn do you want to come with me to go- on I didn't know you were in here." I said.

In the room was Todoroki Shoto sitting on the bed across from the teen with white hair. He looked kind of mad that I had just interrupted the convo he was having with Wolfie.

" Oh hey Lil Rabbit. Shoto here was wondering if he could join the league with us. What did you come in for anyway?" Wolfie asked.

" This is actually perfect because I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the league anyway so bring him and lets go." I said as I walked out to go put on my outfit. 

20 minutes later we were ready to leave and head to the league's base. 

Time skip

When we got inside Tomura was ready to melt Todo's face off with his quirk until I yelled at him.

" Tomura don't melt his face off he came to join the league of villains to piss off his dad!" I yelled making Tomura stop trying to melt his face off with his hand.

" Fine but someone is going to have to have to watch him until I know we can trust him. Dabi he's staying in your room until further notice." Tomura said before going in to the living room to play Call of Duty.

 Dabi took Shoto to his room while the other villains went about their business doing what they were doing before the trio of U.A escapees got to the bar. Quinn went up to the bar and got a bottle of vodka and him and I spent the rest of the day in my room playing Halo Reach.  


Sorry this is short and late but I had Softball practice and yesterday i had art club so this wasn't worked on to my normal standards. Thanks for reading and I'm going to try and start posting these every Saturday.

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