Something Beautiful

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Writing something beautiful is hard when you’ve never seen a beautiful thing a day in your life, at least not as far as you can remember, I can’t remember a single beautiful thing in this life, not in this life, maybe in a past life, when the moon shone bright and the night sky was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It’s funny, because the night sky kind of looks like a boy. He’s tall and has skin as pale as the moonlight, hair as dark as the dark side of the moon. Smile as bright as the lights that we light to see in the night. His eyes, oh how I adore those eyes of his, one as green as the sea when the light hits it just right in the morning, the other as blue as the sky just before orange takes over as the sunsets. I remember him and the way he would make me feel like a thousand small fires were lit in my heart and nothing could put them out while he was around. I never wanted him to leave me and I never wanted to leave him but it seemed like we were not meant to be. Everything kept trying to pull us apart but we stuck together through thick and thin and we held strong, that is until it happened. I remember the night it happened as clear as the clean sea. We sat in the apple tree in the woods just outside of town on a lightning day-night gazing at the stars in the sky when suddenly the lights of a torch shone down upon us. He told me to run, said he would find me when he got the chance. I ran and hid nearby so that I could see what was happening but so that I could not be seen. It was the night sky’s father and he was furious. He yelled and screamed and demanded to know where I was and why he was out in the woods with a male from a rival family. He refused to give me up and his father became furiously angry and grabbed the boy by his hair before he dragged him back into town by his hair. He never did come to find me and I knew why. I snuck into town the next day knowing if I got caught I’d suffer the same fate as the night sky. I saw them walk him up onto the platform and put the rope around his neck. I heard them read aloud what it was that he had done so wrong in their eyes. I turned away not being able to watch as they did this to my lover, but before I could leave I heard him speak his last words.

" To my love who I hope, even if he isn't near, can hear me and understand why. I love you with my whole heart and wish you nothing but the best, keep living, if not for me then for yourself. I knew this would happen if they caught us but I wanted so desperately to be held in your arms and to in return hold you in mine. I know that we shall not meet again in this life but perhaps in the next, we can meet again and I may hold you in my arms once more. Forever ours, the night sky."

And then they dropped him and I ran, I ran until my legs hurt, I ran until my feet bled, I ran until my legs could no longer hold my weight. I found myself in a wide-open meadow filled with the sweet smell of flowers and grass freshly wet by the rain. I sobbed to the night sky wishing for his hold and wishing that I too could embrace him. I had never felt such loneliness before. One so deep and so wide that the only way to cure it was to cry till you were empty of all things, pleasant and unpleasant unlike. I laid there for many hours crying my loneliness to the night sky. I knew of no place I could run to and no place I could return, but for him, I would find a place to belong. I built myself a small cottage in that meadow where I cried myself numb and that is where I lived for the rest of my sad, miserable life.

Katsuki stopped writing and looked around his small apartment. He often thought, no, dreamed of things like this and then wrote them down. He was an author, quite well know too, who specialized in these sad romances. His latest series was called Something Beautiful and it was about these two men who could not be together because of gender and their families. They often met in the woods at an apple tree so that they could be alone together. In his latest and final book, someone had seen them sneak into the woods together and told one of the boy's fathers that their son was in the woods with another man. The thing about this series is that Katsuki had been dreaming about it like it was a memory and not just a dream.

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