The End

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-3rd POV-

The LOV branch of Japan moved in on the hero known as All Might, their final objective. As soon as they had his head this would all be over, they could live as they pleased. Nothing could stop them now.

They moved in on UA and started the plan to kill All Might. From the roof they dropped laughing gas bombs, they wanted him alive.

Izuku and Izumi went in as they always did when they were dealing with gases. They found All Might doubled over in the main hallway in his hero form, looking as if he was about to go out and assist with the fighting. He tried to crawl away but Izuku hit him over the head with his favorite baseball bat, Snake. They dragged his body out of the front door and over to the gate.

Shigaraki touch the gate with all five of his fingers and then watched it crumble to dust. The Midoriya twins walked out still dragging All Might behind them.

They met up with the rest of the team who were previously helping out with the sorting process and went to Sensei's home, where they tied All Might up with quirk suppressing ropes. They sat him on his knees before Toga shoved two knives into his shoulders. He jolted awake and then the cameras started rolling. Every camp and vehicle would get to watch the demise of All Might. Every TV and Radio, the whole world would know that the Symbol of Piece, was dead.

" Today, on this grand New Era Day, we start with a celebration, by taking All Might's head!"

Cheers rose but so did cries. UA was in shambles as everyone who had not been affected by the gas or had already recovered stood in the cafeteria looking at the TVs. People were all over the floor, some still laughing, some out cold.

" Sadly we can only ever do this once, but what a glorious way to start a new national holiday."

" We would like to take a minute to highlight some of All Might's crowning achievements."

Dabi stated as he stepped forward. He stepped back and Izumi and Izuku stepped forward. Izuku started talking.

" Excessive property damage."

" Multiple deaths."

" Reckless endangerment."

" Abuse of power."

" And crushing children's dreams, these are a few of All Might's most daring achievements. We hope you enjoyed the highlight."

" Next up on our lovely program, it's a speech made to kick-off New Era Day with a few of our new rules. Presented to you by Izuku Midoriya."

" At the young age of four years old I learned that not all humans were created equal. At 4 years old I learned that if you don't have a quirk you're worse than trash. Have you ever thought was you getting your children is that telling them that people are different is a good thing would be nice lesson to teach them. It would have been for me because I wouldn't have gotten my ass kicked every day for something I had no control over. So what's this New Era Day is kicked off, please remember that quirk discrimination is in fact now illegal anyone caught saying or doing anything bad to a quirkless person will be punished severely. Have a wonderful day. "

Izuku and Izumi stepped back and Shigaraki stepped forward.

"And now for the final thing on our program before the lovely end to our program. A few rules, of course everyone will get a new handbook but these are the major rules, not the minor ones that won't really get you in trouble, but the ones that will lead to severe punishment. Previously stated rules do still apply. "

Shigaraki went on to list the top ten rules and any punishments you would get for breaking them. And then it came to the end of the program, the beheading of All Might. Shigaraki stepped back and AFO stood from his chair. He walked down and stood right behind AM. Not waisting a second, he cut the man's head clean off his shoulders with a sword quirk. The cameras cut and everything they had work for was done.

They had done it. It was finally over. They had taken the world by storm and won the fight. They were free, nothing could touch them and they were free. They were happy, and bubbly, and Kurogiri had said that they could go to the good bar down the street if it was still in tact when they got home. Home. That's what the bar was to them, what it had been for a while now.

And they couldn't wait to party.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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