Phase 3

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-3rd POV-

The league of Villains was ready to start phase three, tearing down hero agencies. They wouldn't hurt Innocents as that would ruin their plans but they would hurt heros they had found evidence against. The first being Endeavor. The plan was simple, Izuku and Izumi, who had lovingly named the bomb squad, would do as their name suggests and plant bombs, 4 on  every 2 floors. His building being a perfect square was very helpful. Tomura, Dabi, and Toga would start blowing other shit up nearby so that most heros would be out of the building so that the two didn't get caught. Kurogiri, as always, was their get away.

They had the plan down and all their equipment ready, no they just had to wait for 12. 12 was the rush hour, enough people to witness the beginning of the plan and spread the word. It was also lunch break, and why not be just the tiniest bit petty and interrupt the burning trashes lunch.

It was 10:42 and they were all gearing up and putting final preparations together. Making sure that nothing went too wrong.

With Izumi and Izuku, they were just putting on their belts with their sleeping gas, bombs, and lunch on. They were going to have lunch on a building close by so they could watch the chaos, confusion, and, most importantly, destruction. They went down to the bar, chatting about future dinner plans and times they could go see their mom's grave to give her flowers and care for her grave stone. When they walked into the bar, Tomura was dancing on top of it and Dabi and Toga were dancing on the tables.

" What the fuck?" Izuku whispered.

" Don't ask." Kurogiri said.

The clock struck 12 a little while latter and Kuro opened a portal to their goal. Tomura, Dabi, and Toga went to blow up the nearest Denny's and Izuku and Izumi got to work. Once they saw a decent amount of heros exit the building they walked in the front door and pulled their gas masks up and opened two smoke bomb capsules each and threw them in random directions. People started dropping like flies and they set to work with the bombs for the first floor. They knocked everyone out on the second floor and dragged all personnel to the first floor. They repeated this process until they got to the top floor and then worked their way back to the first floor and removed the bodies from the building.

They met up with the rest and had a nice picnic with background noise of the crying and screaming of people, explosions, and Endeavor screaming in anger.

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