Battle Room 3

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- Izuku's POV-

Battle room 3 was only used as a meeting place for all the league members. It wasn't actually used for battle, as the room name suggests. So it wasn't really a surprise to find all the league members, along with a TV with Sensei's face, in the large room.

" So, what's this meeting about?" big sis asked.

" We have to move base and since U.A isn't giving up any useful info we will just pull you out of school." Sensei said.

I did a little happy dance because I've been in that school for so long, and the students were so annoyingly happy, all the got damn time.

" So what are we supposed to do with our free time now?" Quinn asked.

" You will play little pranks on U.A so that they don't forget you exist." was Sensei's answer.

At this very moment in time, for the first time in a long time, I can finally do this,

" Hot fudge on a motha fuckin stick I can actually get a boyfriend! No more annoying, insolent, snotty, stuck up, insignificant, little shits to get in my way all the damn time! I no longer have to suffer through long mall trips on the weekend! I'm freeeeeeee! Woooohoooo!" I ran in circles and did a dance.

" Well that was not the most unexpected thing I've ever seen or heard in my life." Tomura deadpanned.

" Shut up. If you were stuck at U.A for almost an entire year you would feel the same too." I glared at the blue haired bitch.

- Izumi's POV-

I was happy my little brother was free but now I have to find ways to prank a huge ass building for fun. Man this is going to take a long while.


You get a double update because while I was sitting around this summer I thought of this and decided I was bored so I wrote this. Enjoy!

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