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Everything was finally in place, I was finally ready, nothing could stop me now. I could finally kill All Might and tear down the hero society. All that was left now was to get everybody into place.

I pointed at one of my subordinates who had hacked into the world wide network so that I may broadcast my speech to the whole world. I pushed a button letting all bases know that it was go time and the hacker gave me the ok to begin.

-3rd POV-

" You may find yourself wondering when this all ends, when you can go back to your lives and live them?"

Villains, mercenaries, dealers, mafia bosses, all underground crime you could think of popped out of portals all across the globe and began the sorting process.

" Well I'll answer that for you, it ends today! Rejoice for I have begun what will undoubtedly be the most intriguing era ever witnessed by man!"

Heros came raining down from the sky and flooding through the streets trying their best to stop them all, not wanting what this man was saying to come true.

" Rejoice for your pitiful lives will no longer be dictated by heroes and laws will no longer be surrounded so that they get away with everything!"

Government buildings were stormed and fires began. People running and screaming could be heard but the villains just continued on their way to the heads of countries.

" This day marks the beginning of a new era, and what a glorious era it shall be!"

Trucks and cars being filled with people and fire being started all around. Children screaming and women and men crying. People yelling and villains running into building after building making sure that they left no one behind in the fires.

" Look around for the last time at the civilization you so laboriously built around yourselves as a protective bubble that you could hide yourselves away in!"

People looking out of windows at their city's and towns being burned to the ground or knocked over. Mothers hugging their children and couples finding comfort in each other.

" You shall come to face the reality that this is the last of the heroes. I hope you have a wonderful New era day."

And then the voice raining over the destruction was gone and all that was left was the sound of absolute, total, chaos.

No change comes, without a bit of destruction. Depending on how big the change is there are different amounts of it. This is a world wide change, leaving behind the unnecessary and unwanted, and bringing the needed and wanted.

The transports were all headed to a temporary camp for housing as you can't just burn everything to the ground and expect people to sleep outside. They were not trying to repeat history and become the new world Hitler, no they just wanted to change the world. They would not be unnecessarily cruel to those who have done nothing to them, although they were tempted. They knew that society had wiped their brains and trained then to believe that heros were the purest people on earth but they would learn that they were not.

All over the world things were going up in flames and being changed.

And AFO just sat back and watched the world burn.

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