Taking a small Break

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-3rd POV-

Everyone was just chilling, waiting for their next orders to move. No one could leave but they had stuff to do in their base. They were lying low and waiting for the right time to finish it all. Also, Sensei believed that a break would be beneficial to the team. If they were tired then they'd be slow, if they were slow they'd be caught, if they were caught all this hard work was for nothing. So everyone was chilling. And by chilling I mean that half of them were drunk and the other half were hammered.

We'll start with the drunk ones, Tomura, Dabi, Izumi, Twice, and Spinner. They were playing Mario Kart. They were getting mad over Mario Kart. Tomura was sitting in Dabi's lap and Dabi had his hands wrapped around his waist so that Tomura didn't get up and break the tv. Izumi was doing a small victory dance because she had just won another round. Twice was arguing with himself over if they should quit playing with the others. And Spinner looked to be questioning his life and how he got here.

The ones who were hammered were Izuku, Shoto, Toga, Magne,
Mr. Compress, and Quinn. Shoto was sitting in a corner next to Izuku and they were both crying about things that had gone wrong in their lives and how bunnies were cute and Izuku really wanted a cat and. Yoga was on the bar dancing to a Britney Spears song and singing horribly. Magne was sleeping on one of the bar tables and
Mr. Compress was staring off into space. Quinn was just, staring, in Izumi's direction, drooling over how cute his girl was. Especially in her suite. The button up shirt and vest made her curves look gorgeous and the tight black ripped jeans made her ass bounce like a ball as she dances around the room. Her fluffy green hair pulled up into a high ponytail gave Quinn better access to her gorgeous face. Her full red lips and glossy green eyes, her button nose and perfect eyebrows. Fuck, his girl is perfect in every sense of the word. He needed to get his hands on her soon. He raised another shot to his lips and downed it before stumbling his way over to her in the living room. He grabbed her by her waist and dragged her out of the room. He made his way back up to his and removed his shirt. He did away with his pants and then started on Izumi's clothes. First the best then the shirt. He dragged her over to his bed and laid down. Then he passed out. Izumi was not far behind and was asleep very soon.

Kurogiri was once again, very disappointed in his children. They needed to stop doing this, there were better ways to have fun that didn't involve alcohol. And if they were going to drink, at least think of him for once and don't all get drunk at one time. Have they ever thought that maybe, just maybe, he wanted to have a drink too. He couldn't watch them and drink, at least not if he wanted to get drunk. These children were going to drive him to drink.


So, two more chapters and I'm excited for the end. I hope you like this chapter and the ones to come.

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