Story Time

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I was sitting around the new base's living room( I get all my photos from Pinterest. )when the 4 hooligans ran in and came up to me looking like a bunch of puppies.

" Hey didn't you say you have a friend who has a quirk that allows them to make people seem like they're trapped in a picture book?" the peppermint haired one asked.

" Yah. Why?"

" Well it's been a month since our last prank and we have finally come up with our next one." Broccoli boy answered.

" Oh. Well they have a shop called Books, Books, and more Books. It's just down the road. If you tell them I sent you they'll help you."

- 3rd POV-

The four ran off in search of the store and when they finally found it they went right in. Once the lady at the counter moved the four went up to talk to the cashier.

" Do you know where we can find
Mr. Story. Tomura sent us here on a mission. "

The cashier went into the back and stayed there for a few minutes before coming back with a tall man.

The cashier went into the back and stayed there for a few minutes before coming back with a tall man

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" Tomu wanted me to do something?"

Izuku nodded before explaining the plan to the story book themed villain.

" Can you trap the UA kids in one of your story books and the only way for them to get out is for them to fill the roles and act out the story?"

" Yeah that shouldn't be too hard. Give me an hour to whip up a recipe."

The man went into the back and came back an hour later with three different books in his hands.

" The first one is a love story. The second a thriller. And the last a fantasy. In the first a person is ready to give up on love and accept that he is going to die old and alone, but then he falls in love with a beautiful person. In the second someone has just been killed and everyone is waiting for the killer to choose the next person. The last is about an adventure through the dark realm to save the life of every dark creature from the humans."

The team huddled to decide which story would suit the class of 1-A the best.

Pick one of the three and leave a comment on which is the best for class 1-A. I am sorry for not updating in a while. School work and sadness have me a bit out of the Wattpad loop at the moment. If you choose the first one then make sure to leave your pairing. If you don't I'm just going to make it KIRIBAKU and you all will have to deal with it.

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