The Divide

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-Live Now News Reporter's POV-

" Just a few hours ago the League Of Villains attacked the UA and stated there goals to the world. They say that they want to create a new world order where civilians would have the power to save themselves. We here at Live Now News have decided that seeing what there next step is, is more important than debating whether they are right or wrong. I personally would like to see where this leads to, this is Bobby Ringer, signing off."


-After The Fact News8's POV-

" Good afternoon Japan, welcome to AFN 8. Today we are covering the topic of the attack on UA. We here at AFN 8 think that they are trying to play the hero themselves, if they wanted to truly fix the system they would have gone about it in a different way than throwing a hissy fit in the middle of a public event. They obviously lied about those things they said at the event and are just trying to make us doubt our beloved heros. It is important that we stay together as one and not give into their lies. This is Jeff Jeffman, signing off."


-Good Afternoon America's POV-

" GOOD AFTERNOON AMERICA! We are taking a look at the UA festival attack today. We are going to pick this topic apart and see what is fact, and what is fiction. We know for a fact that the hero they are talking about does have a record of being unnecessarily aggressive towards his cures and civilians. there has been camera evidence that his wife and children try to stay as far away from him as possible, but us not being in Japan, we cannot say for sure if they in fact have those scars and bruises, we would like to check out more but we are not permitted at the moment to enter Japan as it is on lockdown. So for now we cannot say if that part is fact or fiction. We do know that two of the UA students have in fact run away so it is possible that they have joined the League of Villains, those students are by the name of Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya. It is also known that there is still perhaps a traitor within UA's walls. So we're going to go ahead and put that down as fact. Here's another fact for you a pro hero that went by Cat, was charged with secondhand murder as she hired mercenaries to cause trouble maybe even kill people so that she may in fact get more views and likes so she may move up in the rankings just that little bit faster. One of her hired kills was a woman by the name of Inko Midoriya. Midoriya was found dead in her home if your oldest child was found missing her youngest was questioned but had no idea what was going on so he was let out into the custody of their father. their father's name is unknown at the moment but if we ever get that information we will most definitely tell you. we can't find any fiction this is story so we're going to remain neutral on the subject. Even if they you have good aims and goals we don't condone villainy I agree we do need to stop lying so much of the heroes and rely more on our own power."


- Hero Worship Forum-

User172349: They are obviously lying. No hero would ever do that to their family. And quirk laws are there to protect us and make sure we are safe. No hero would ever be in this for the money.


Puppy_Lover: I don't know, I mean, have you seen the hero industry. It's pretty corrupt in a lot of the heroes do seem kind of off. The one hero I think his name was endeavor yeah he's the number two have you seen my son's face or his blatant disrespect for property or maybe even many people he's killed without checking it if civilians were nearby. I think I might side with the villains on this one this is getting out of hand and it needs to stop. I think you mean to delete this website for my browser kind of ashamed now.


User172349: You should be ashamed with the paragraph you just typed about our beloved heroes. I mean why would we have them if they're just in it for the money anyway. They're obviously there to protect us and the cops don't do anything.

Slep_Is_Nice: Honestly, without quirk laws a lot of people would be able to save themselves faster than a hero could get to them, and cops only seem useless because heroes usually get to the action faster. I mean you're going to scream for a hero before you even think to call 911 with the way we were trained up as children. I think 911 would be better and faster depending on where you're at I mean villains might not be great but they do have a point, kind of. I'm not agreeing with them but then again I'm not agreeing with the hero.


User172349: Whatever.

- Izuku's POV-

All over the world people were giving thier opinions and we were working down whether they were Box, Safe, or Neutral. Or at least I was marking them down everyone else kind of was just doing a thing that they wanted to do I was on watch duty for now. After I was done with this I was going to get Kurogiri to make me a lemonade and then I was going to bed. They were so many things you had to check for these people so many of them we're just not having it and then a lot of them were neutral not many of them were safe. The neutral was alive but the box seem to be getting bigger. people will watch a new station or go on a platform and then the base their opinion off other people's opinions and a lot of these people have been worshipping heroes so long as they don't know what to do without them and we'd be glad to teach you after all heroes have done nothing for us. But what can you do when you're only here for watching not telling, idea! I ran out to the bar to show my idea to the rest of them so that we need to have more people in the safe and neutral zone.

" Everyone pick up website or platform to go on as a user and give an opinion that'll puts people in the neutral or safe zone so we have less work to do when shackling people to their options. It'll be easier to overthrow the heroes that way."

I got a nod from everyone before I pulled up my own phone and logged on to a forum page for hero worshipping. I gave opinions and words that would definitely make people think but I can't change their mind for them. Once the divide was clear enough we wouldn't be able to move on to phase 3 of the plan. I can't wait.

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