Touching Base

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-3rd POV-

They had finally gotten a pretty good idea of what they were going to do and now they needed to hand that information over to Sensei, so that he could give it out to their other bases. It was Shigaraki's job to do that though so the rest were just going to chill and finish the other things they needed to take over the world. Shigaraki waited next to the bar for Kurogiri to warp him to Sensei. Once finished wiping down the last of the shot glasses at the bar, Kuro opened the warp gate and let Shigaraki pass through before closing it.
On the other side of the gate sat a man hooked up to many wires, he was faceless and that made Shigaraki wonder how in the actual fuck this man breathed. His suite was very expensive looking and even without a face the man seemed bored.

" I have brought what you asked for Sensei."

" Leave it on the table and return to base."

Shigaraki did as told before getting Kurogiri to open a gate for him. He walked through and the man in the expensive suite was left by himself in the vast emptiness that the room had to offer. He snapped his fingers and the papers floated over to him, even without eyes AFO seemed to read over the papers and give a little smile. He turned on all his monitors and waited for the calls to connect. Once done he started talking.

" The time has come, we shall rule and the world will know of it's wrong doings upon us. We shall let you know when to attack on your side when we know what we will be doing over here in Japan. After our attack go in order of chain of command starting with Germany. Have a nice day ladies and gentlemen."

The auto translator will have made it so that everyone understood and then their faces were gone.

The plan was going well and all was in motion, now they just had to wait and act before they could be thrown off by any unwanted interference.

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