chapter 2 ☀

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Hey just want to say hi and hope you enjoy ❤
Yugi's POV.

Wait,  did he just say I was adorable?! I can't even heh D-does he actually like me, like... The way I do him I mean I know we just met and all but I feel something I don't know what exactly yet but I have a feeling it's love, god damn,  listen to me,  already saying I'm in love with a stranger. Well friend i guess I could say now.
Yami:" yugi, yugi, yugi!" 
I shake my head and blush as he pulls me close.
Yugi: "sorry I'm a little distracted today heh i-i uh w-what did you say again?  Heh"
Yami looks at me and smirks
Yami: "what were you thinking about, or should I say who "
damn!  He's On to me
Yugi: "n-no one why, Oh jeez look at that were here!"
I was so happy just to be there and not stuck being lured into telling yami that I like him
Yami: "yugi you ready to go in or are you going to stare at me all day, I don't mind tho"
Shit I dozed off
Yugi: "y-yea I'm sorry"
I opened the door to the game store and the bell on the door rang as we walked in.  Grandpaw was sound asleep on the counter and had his head down while he has a chair pulled up to the desk him sitting in it.  I guess business is slow again.
Yugi: "g-grampaw "
Yami: "looks like he could use some rest"
Yugi: "I agree but we can't close shop grandpaw would never close shop unless it was important and we have nothing else to do wanna help? "
Yami smiled.
Yami:"sure yugi anything to help you out"
Yugi: "well it's not to bad Considering it's almost closing time already so of won't be to bad "
Yami: " Agree I wish I could help more than what I am doing"
Yami did the inventory as I ran the checkout (cash register)  we didn't get many at all mabey a total of 5 customers and they all were right in and out.  Soon it was closing time just as yugi was closing shop and turned the sight to closed grandpaw walked down stairs.
Grandpa: "well, well it looks like you can handle  yourself my dear boy"
Yami looked up at granpaw and smiled as grandpa look at him confused
Grandpa: "yugi want to  introduce your new friend here "
Oh shit I forgot, please go well, please go well, please go well.
Yugi: "t-this is yami h-he is a friend I met today at school he is n-new"
Grandpa: "well I'm glad you got a new friend you already have so many, and this just might be the one for yo-"
I ran and out my hand over his mouth
Yugi: "haha ok granpaw it's ok you can stop now "
Yami smirked.
Yami: " Please Mr. Muto continue "
Damn you yami.
Grandpa: "yugi has put himself down since day one he always has these weird dreams and he says he will be alone forever I fought that especially not that he has a handsome young man like you, hey by the way if your single and are interested in guys well than you just hot the jackpot!,  yugi is also single and- *muffle, muffle*"
I was dieing of embarrassment my face was red and I was not very happy with grandpaw right now. Yami however actually looked like he was thinking of something.
Yami: "believe me Mr. Muto I will keep that in mind"
Damn granpaw what have you done
Grandpa: "please call me grandpa"
I really wanted to die right now.
Grandpa: "would you like to stay over tonight ? "
Yugi: "grandpa?!  I miss sure he is bus-"
Yami interrupted me.
Yami: "I would be delighted"
His intimidating yet gorgeous eyes locked with mine, I couldn't look away till I felt someone shake me so bad I thought there was a earth quake.
Grandpa: "yugi?,  I said yami will have to sleep with you tonight because the guest room is not ready for guest right now"
Just. Great.
Yugi: "o-oh uh i-o-ok
Yami changed after I did I changed into my purp dark magician PJ pants and I gave yami a spare pair that had blue eyes on them. Can't tell you how many times I have duled kiba over them, and won, and he still won't stop.
Soon yami walked out with no shirt.
Yami: " Sorry yugi your shirt was really small is it ok if I sleep Like this? "
He was shirtless and looks hot as fuck. I'm screwed.
Yugi: "y-yea it's ok heheh"
I turn a dark red as yami gets in my bed and wraps his arms around my waist.  This looks wrong but feels so right.
Yami: "yugi I hope your ok with all of this "
He squeezes me a little tighter as he snuggles his head onto my back.
Yugi: "hehh i-its o-ok y-yami
We fell asleep in bed fast and honestly it was nice, i really am starting to like him. Mabey, even.  Love

A. N/ hey hoped you enjoyed I am really trying case you can't tell 😂 well see you soon,

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