☀️Chapter 47☀️

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Sorry it's late still a lot going on but after this is one last chapter!

{Yami's POV}

Not going to lie even though we have a baby already and we've done this before I'm scared and nervous, I shake the entire time while I grab the baby's bag and abby as yugi gets himself into the car and buckles up,

"Just breath"

He starts breathing heavier as I bucked abby up making sure it's secure then walking around and getting into the drivers seat and start the car driving to the hospital,


He clenches his tummy and throws his head back screaming,

"Hold my hand baby"

I keep my left hand on the wheel and he holds my right hand crushing it, and yea he may be tiny and kinda week but damn this hurts,

"Ow ow ow okay babe"

He hunches over again then relaxes a few minutes before it happens again,

___skip to hospital___

"Excuse me we need a doctor now my husband is going into labor!"

I have abby in my hip and yugi is gripping tightly to my side,

"Fffuuuccckkk! You did this to me!"

He grips my shirt tightly bringing my face down to his,

"Shhh I'm here"

I rub his back holding him up best I can while several nurses and a doctor comes running in then helps him onto a hospital bed and pushes it through the doors to the room,

"Excuse my sir you may follow but your daughter cannot"

"Damn it! I can't leave her here alone!"



Grandpa walks towards me and reaches for Abby,

"What are you doing here?"

I ask handing abby and the baby bag over to him.

"I was here getting a new prescription, go to yugi he'll need you"

I nod my head and thank him again before following a nurse back to my screaming husband,

"Where's my husb-ahhh!"

I hear him scream as I enter the room full of nurses and a doctor,

"I'm here baby"

"Put these on"

A nurse hands me a blue doctor suit and a blue cap and mask which I quickly slip on the take ahold of yugi's hand, again he starts to crush it,

"Yami is hhhuuurrrrttttsss!"

They prop his legs up and tell him to start pushing on the next contraction,

"Harder baby, come on you can do it"

His face starts to sweat and tears fall down his face,

"I'm not fucking ever having another baby with you- FUCK!"

Another contraction hits and he pushes as hard as he can,

"The head should be out by now"

The doctor says,

"Mr sennen we need you to push as hard as you can we need to get your baby out or they will die"

"What?! I don't want my baby to die!"

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