☀️Chapter 40☀️

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Yami's POV

"I'll take care of them"

I kiss yugi's head then stand up and walk out to the dining area to where the three men sit and stand there with my fist bawled up and staring at them,

"Cutie? You look different"

One says then the other two's eyes go wide and they quickly stand up,

"Man that's not him...I think that's his..."


One guy walks away and out of the restaurant trying to act calm while the other stands a bit away from me and the other one stands up his face inches from mine.

"Yea? So I'm better"

The restaurant slowly starts to die down and everyone starts to stare at us,

"How dare you TOUCH MY HUSBAND"

He smirks and steps even closer to me getting right in my face,

"He enjoyed it you should have heard his screams"

That was the last straw in seconds my fist collides with his jaw knocking him to the ground and the whole restaurant goes silent not a single noise other than my heavy breathing and him groaning in pain,

"You little bastard!"

He stands up and goes to swing at me but before he can hit me I grab his fist and twist his arm throwing him to the ground,


Yugi's POV

"W-where's Yami?"

He's been gone to long then again I should know better then to think Yami would simply talk to him,

"He's only been gone 15 minutes"

Then a loud crash echoes through the whole restaurant and my heart jumps out of my chest and I quickly get up and run into the dining room,

Once I open the doors I see Yami jumping over two tables and pounces on top of ...him, yami's fist hits his face over and over again that guy doesn't stand a chance!


I run over to them and yami's coat is missing and his fist are all bloody, The guys face is all blooded up and his nose is obviously broken and his lip badly busted,

"Woa Woa Woa knock it off"

One of the guys friends try grabbing Yami but he quickly grabs a nearby chair and breaks it over his head knocking the guy out then drags HIM out the back door to the same alley...

"Yami wait!"

Lauren grabs my Arm holding me back from following,

"Yugi I think we should leave them be"

I pull out of her grasp and run out the back door to the alley and look for them following their noises until finally I find them at the end of the alley still fighting, well more like yank kicking this guys ass,

"Yami please!"

I pull on his arm till I finally get him up and away from the guy,

"Yugi he-"

"I know what he did Yami! And maybe he deserves death but I don't want to loose you!"

He sighs and kicks him one last time before pulling me into his chest hugging me tightly and wrapping his arms around me holding me tight as I cry into his chest,

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