☀️chapter 15☀️

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Here's the long one you guys wanted 😂 oh god this is going to be smutty 😉 and I say this now. I do NOT edit my stories so if it's hard to read I'm sorry

Yugi's pov

Softly I'm laid onto the bed yami climbing over top of me kissing my neck sure to be leaving Marks. "Y-yami"I moan softly, he lowly moans into my neck. Griping the bottom of his shirt I pull on the bottom signaling for him to take it off. He quickly catches what I'm saying and takes it off and mine. Slowly he licks down my chest and back up before attaching his mouth to my left nipple. "G-goodness!" He stops and looks up to me smiling laughing lightly. "W-What?" He kisses my lips softly then raises one brow eyeing me. "Goodness?" He Mocks me laughing a bit harder now. "S-shut up!" I blush looking away covering my chest with my arms. "I'm sorry aibou" he kisses my nick and remotes me arms slowly.

"It was To cute to ignore" He kisses me softly and removes me pants and his leaving us only in boxers. "I-it was embarrassing" I look away covering my face. "You are beautiful aibou, I didn't mean to embarrass you I'm so sorry" he pulls my hands away from my face and kisses my nose. "Shall we continue?" He raises his brows smirking. "How bad do you want it?" He bites my ear lobe softly breathing on my neck. "S-so b-bad" I can feel my face heat up "you can have me on one condition" okay now what?

"You have to ride me" a huge dirty smirk spreads across his face. "W-What?!" He laughs lightly and pulls my boxers off slowly. "You heard me baby" he kisses my ear then takes my boxers off all the way my rock hard cock springing free releasing it from the tight space of my boxers. A moan slips past my lips , yami smirks and flips us over. "When ever your ready" I inhale deeply and pull his boxers off quickly. Reviling his huge rock solid, swollen cock. Pre-cum leaking from the tip. "D-damn" a sharp pain courses through my ass a large hand print forming from yami's hand. "Language baby" I grab some lube and speed some onto my hands and start pumping his dick. "F-f-fuck y-yugi r-right there!" I quicken my pace jacking him off as I spread the lube all over. "S-stop!" I pull my hand away quickly. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No!, no baby if you didn't stop I was goanna cum" he grips my hips and Lines his cock up with my hole. "Ready aibou?" I nod briefly feeling him push deep, deep into me. Stretching me, it burns so bad but feels so good! "Uh, yes!" Slowly after he bottoms out I start moving my hips in small circles. "F-faster yugi!" I move my hips back and forth, up and down. The angle working wonders for both of us. "Your so good at this! Ohh!" He throws his head back griping my hips tightly leaving bruises for sure thrusting up into me as he spills his seed within me. "Oh yes! Uh! Uh! Uh! Daddy!" My cum shoots out of my tip up yami's chest almost reaching his face. "Sensitive! Sensitive!" Yami picks my hips up till his tip is barely in the slams me back down. After doing this a few times , me crying from so much pleasure. Him moaning loudly we both cum again, this time he pulls out and lays me next to him covering us up. "That was the second best moment of my life"
Yami's pov

"Second best" I nod fluttering my eyes cuddling him. "The first is going to be our wedding day and the third will be when you have my children" he blushes hard and laughs lightly curing up to me. " I love you yami" I kiss his head lightly. "I love you to aibou"

*Next morning*

I Am awoken by the sunlight shining through the windows gleaming right in my eyes. I groan quietly and look down to a sleeping yugi. His lips slightly parted. Eyes shut tight. Small snores escaping his lips. Somehow he when from beside me to on top of me. I slowly and carefully lay him beside me and get off the bed covering him back up. I hop into the shower quickly washing off before wrapping a towel around my waist and walking out into the room. I put on a pair of clean boxers, a black tank top and some black shorts since it's hot out. "Yami?" I turn around finishing brushing my hair. "Well good morning beautiful" he stands up wearing only a huge tee-shirt. "How did you get that on?" He shrugs and limps to me wrapping his arms around my waist. "You hurt me last night" he wines leaning up to kiss me. "How is it my fault you were top" I wink kissing his lips for a good 3 seconds then pull away putting down the hair brush grabbing some clothes for him to bath. "Well your dick is huge!" He blushes covering his mouth with his hands after realizing what he just said. " oh is it now? To much for you to take ever again? I guess no more dick fo..." he interrupted me shouting kinda loudly "no no no haha I just mean you have a huge dick as in it's big in a good way, I mean it's not normal size! I mean! Ugh!!" He covers his beet red face. "Hahahah! G-get in the bath baby" he blushes and takes off his shirt and steps into the bath I have prepared. Sitting into the hot water. "I'll be in the kitchen" I kiss his head and set his clothes on the sink and walk out closing the door behind me walking into the kitchen

Yugi's pov

I can't believe I just said that. Ughhhh! I know how to embarrass myself. After washing off I get out and unplug the water letting it drain. Then dry off and get dressed in the clothes yami got out for me. White panties (fem yugi lets gooo!!!)White tank top with white shorts.

After getting dressed I brush my hair and limp into the kitchen still sore from last night. "Something smells good" I follow my nose and I'm lead into a huge beautiful kitchen. I didn't really get to look at the house last night I was...busy. "I'm here aibou!" The kitchen table has childcare chip pancakes on it and orange juice, eggs, bacon, and yami just sets down a plate of sausage. "Want some wine instead?" I shake my head filling my plate up then fill my cup up with oj. Yami fills his as well also drinking oj. "So what's the plan for today?" He swallows his food then speaks. "One , don't talk with your mouth full aibou or I will punish you" he winks at me "two, we are going on a date my treat" I chock on my food almost. "D-date?" He looks at me confused. "Yes aibou, a date...is that okay?" I nod and finish my food. "I have to go get ready!" I yell getting up putting my plate in the sink then kiss yami passionately. "Thank you for breakfast yami," He grips my wrist as I go to walk away. "Oh and by the way, I like it when you call me daddy" he winks them lets me go. I blush them run into our room . Damn you yami!

I look through my closet and pick out something fancy but casual. A white button up shirt and black dress pants. "Aibou we aren't leaving till later" he laughs poking his head in. "I know, I just want to be prepared" he smiles and walks to me kissing me lightly.

"Want to call Joey and kiba over?" I nod my head smiling like a idiot. "Okay jeez what is Joey stealing my man?" He says jokingly wrapping his arms around me tightly. "No way! Kiba would kill me!" We both laugh then yami calls them over. "They will be here shortly" I nod grabbing his hand then waking to the couch.

After a while of chatting and mostly flirting. The door bust open. "Yugi!! There's my pal!" Joey runs to me but kiba grabs his collar pulling him back. "What did I say about being rude mutt?" Joey pulls away giving him the stink eye. "And what did I say about callings a mutt?!" I clear my throat. "Anyways welcome guys come in" they both come in closing the door behind them. "Wanna see the beach Joey?" He nods jumping up and down. "Please can I kiba oh please please please!" Kiba sighs the. Kisses his head lightly as if no one was meant to see it. "Be carful" Joey dashes our the door grabbing my hand to. "I'll be here aibou!" Yami shouts to me as I'm dragged off.

"Soooo How was it?" Joey asks a we walk on the beach. "What do you mean?" He smirks and wiggles his brows. "How was last night?" The heat spreads onto my face quickly. "Honestly? Amazing, like fireworks" I smile looking down to hide my blush. "OH MY PAL GOT LAID? YUGI GOT LAID YUGI GOT LAID!" I slap my hand over his mouth looking at the crowd. "Hehe don't mind him" I blush hard taking my hand off slapping his arm lightly. "Keep it down will you?" He smirks and pushes me slightly. "I bet you weren't quiet last night"

"Oh goodness! Joey!" I'm blushing harder now. "Hahah sorry yug!" The sun is now setting beautifully over the water. "Oh crap! Joey what time is it?!" He looks at his phone then back at me "eh 9:00 why?" I gasp "shit our date!"

"Ooo date then after that more sex I assume?" He wiggles his brows again. I grab his hand dashing back to the house. "Follow me" Joey follows me into my room to grab my cloths. I quickly change and fix my hair then brush my teeth. "How do I look" He smiles than holds a thumb up. "Looking sexy my friend!" He smiles wiggling his brows agin. "Ugh stop please!" A dark blush spreads across my face. "Yugi? Ready to go?" Yami yells from the front door. "Yess yami I'm coming! Joey lock the door on your guys way out" I hug him then Meet yami at wha door. "Looking handsome my future husband" I smile and intertwine our fingers then kiss him. "Not so bad yourself" we then walk out the door to the car.

A/N: finally!!! I've done it!!! A lonngggg chapter!!! Hahah vote and comment for another one soon hahah this chapter is 1,841 words long and it's 1:53 am I'm tired 😅😂😪😴

Your's - cassie

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