☀chapter 6 ☀

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Sorry I haven't. Updated in a while I have been going through some things but Im back and am making another chapter for you guys so enjoy!
Yami's pov .

He was having a good dream well I was having a moment as well . but I won't and never will pressure him into something he would not do on a regular bases or wouldn't do himself, anyways we have a date in about 10 minutes and

I put on my neck belt and bracelets and as I walked out so did yugi. "Morning yami" "mornnnniiing" the word slid out of my mouth slurred . tight clothes that show his thin figure perfectly . his hair smells familiar. My shampoo i know it anywhere it it kinda made me feel all warm inside knowing he used it . "Morning sexy " I pull him into me as he blushes and hugs back.

"H-hey ready to go Im starving !" yugi exclaims rubbing his stomach and smiling brightly. "Ok , ok don't eat my arm off geez hehe" . after I said that he playfully starts gently biting my arm growling. "Hahah" .  yugi stops , kisses my cheek and we go down stairs to see grandpa opening shop. He turns to us and smiles the same warm gently smile yugi bears . "good morning boys want something to eat?" "no thank you grandpa yami and I are going to eat breakfast else where" Solomon grins from ear to ear . "I see well have fun don't be back to late boys " I nod my head and yugi smiles grabbing my hand before us running out The door . the cool breeze hitting our faces on this hot summer day . even hotter with yugi here .

"Where do you want to eat , my treat " yugi and I finally stops running and he looks down smiling . "it doesn't matter To me you choose" . yugi always caring for other over himself . "there is a new restaurant that just opened mabey there "

(Im gonna make a name up for the restaurant they are  going to ✨)
As we arrived at kiba's pizza place (I know its cheesy hehe get it cheesy ,no ok anyways ) yugi gasped at the amazement, ill admit its big .

"Wow this place is huge!" yugi grabs my hand as we run into the large building instantly finding a place to sit .
"Not a bad place to eat am I right yami?" his smile is so big. I have a feeling we will see this place a lot. After about 3 minutes of talking a man in a girly chefs outfit and with a pink apron approaches us slowly with his head down. "Eh what would you like toda-  yugi?!"

His strong Brooklyn acsent slipping past his lips. "Joey!? Why would you ever wear that hahahahahah" joey looks down and blushes . ill admit I chuckled myself . "Eh kiba opened this place a few days ago and of course us being a together he makes me wear this ridiculous. Outfit that he quite enjoys seeing me in, yet his plan kinda back fired when uh couple of guys tried hitting on me " I can't help but laugh . "w-what why I -ok ,ok wanna eat with us?" joey smiles and looks at his watch .

"Eh sure I got a lunch break in a few minutes anyways but imma. Change out of dis. Horrible outfit" "hehe sure" . joey changes and then returns to us in his regular clothes . "since kiba owns the place we can get our food free however much we want ,one of the perks of dating a rich billionor who owns almost all of town ."

Time skip
   Its now dark outside we have been here all day man joey is gonna have to make up his tardiness up to kiba later , I don't want to know the cost.We ate till we couldn't eat anymore joey however ate 10 times the food me and yugi ate all together!

"Yami Im full " yugi rubs his eyes .he always is sleepy after he has ate especially when he has ate as much as he did just today. "You want to go home" yugi nods and stands up ,hugs joey then stands there waiting for me while almost falling asleep standing.

"Thanks joey for the food I have to take yugi home now see you later " joey smiles great big ,waves and heads back to the kitchen to finish his day of work.

"Yugi come here" yugi looks up with half open eyes and reaches his arms up like a baby reaching for its mother .

"Want me to carry you baby?" yugi smiles at the thought of him being yamis and only his and him belonging to yugi .

"Yes daddy" I have told him before and he knows what that name does to me. Fuck.

I pick him up and cradle him like baby ,he layed his head on my shoulder sleeping soundly.

So cute. As I carry him home he starts to moan and grunt again. Gosh don't do this to me , not now . he thrusts his hips up gently grinding his half erection against mine.

"Yami, yamiii-" he thrusts get faster. Light moans pass his soft pink lips that are slightly parted .

"We are almost home yugi" after I said that we arrived at the game shop. One hand holding onto his bum while I use the other to unlock the door with my key.

As I open the door the house is quite and all lightly are off. A note is left on the counter from Solomon . I take yugi upstairs into his room tuck him in then go back down stairs to read the note . neatly written was...

Dear,yugi or yami whichever reads this note First i have gone to stay in a hotel for a copul days due to me opening another game shop in America I will be leaving the hotel tomorrow at 7:00 pm to America ,you boys take care of one another
       With love~Solomon

Some time alone? With yugi? Hell yea ! Let the fun begin. 


Cassie:HEY! Hope you enjoyed this...chapter hehe.
I have a feeling yami is up to something .

Yami: your damn right am!

Cassie: when did you get here

Yami: I have Always been here

Cassie:creepy but ok! See you guys in the next chapter ! Say bye yami.

Yami: BYE!

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