☀chapter 5☀(lemon)

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Im in love with this i laughed so hard omg! I cant even they are the best besides yugi and yami if course also I attempted lemon soooo. Yea anyways enjoy (may be spelling errors )

Yami's POV
As the sun shined through the curtain and the breeze blew softly I opened my eyes just enough to see yugi's spiky crazy hair gently blow as the quietly slept . so cute.
He lays softly upon my chest as I try to escape and pins me down.
"Heh oh yugi " as he softly sleeps a quiet yet powerful moan escapes his soft parted lips.  "Y-yami" he grips my shirt tight as I feel his slightly moving upwards causing is already hard errection to grind against my leg.

Oh god I thought he wasn't ready . "y-yami f-faster" god he is turning me on so bad . he leans into me more as I stroke his hair to distract myself from all the steam. "O-oh god!" I cant take it. Please don't get mad yugi.  I flip him over gently and begin to grind my errection onto his powerfully causing him to grip the sheets tightly and squeeze his eyes shut and throw his head back.
"F-fuck!" IV never heard him curse before besides mabey a few times . Its hot. 

I start to go faster as yugi pulls me to him and whispers in my ear .
"P-please d-don't stop "
God I want him so bad but it is so wrong to fuck him in his sleep. Yugi slips his hands under my shirt and feels my abs.

"Mine , all mine" he pulls my lips to meet his as he unzips my pants and gazes into my eyes. Wait! He is awake!? .

"Yugi?" he blushes and pulls away after realizing he is kissing me rather harsh . "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I just , I was having a ..a good dream "
" I can tell" he blushes and looks away as a sly smirk appears on my face. " you ok now " its been 10 minutes of silence since Yugi was to embarrassed to speak .
"Aibour? " he looks at me puzzled "what does that mean again" gosh I guess I should tell him . "it means partner" "oh well then partner how about some breakfast?" he says as he stands up and heads to the bathroom to fresh up .

"while you shower?" why don't I just join you?" I smirk as he blushed a deep red . "yami! " I stand up fix myself and walk to him. "Fine but I shower next than we can go somewhere to eat breakfast sound good Aibour?" he smiles and nods "its a date " he looks at me and blushes. "A-a d-date ?" he is so cute ugh!
"Yes is that a problem?" "n-no! I -I just never been on a date before" wow. Someone as gorgeous as him. Never a date. Unbelievable.  "I'm honored to be the first" he giggled and walks away ,hips swinging . damn . anyways time to get ready .

Yugi's pov

He is taking me on a date...A DATE! I'm happy but so so nervous I guess I should dress to impress .
I run this water kinda hot but not to hot.

I take my clothes off and Step inside instantly relaxing to the hot water hitting my back. A small moan of relief washes over me making me feel relaxed . why would someone as gorgeous and kind and ... Perfect as yami like...me. In not perfect he is . I guess ill find out tonight . as I pour shampoo into my hair the scent of yami fills my nose.

Oops I used his shampoo , oh well at least I can smell like him all day. Hot water hits my hair as I wash out the shampoo out of my hair and wash my body then step out with a towel around my waist into the bedroom to get my clothes . Leather pants , tight black tank top , neck belt, bracelets , shoes and I brush my hair then teeth . ready to go lets see yami resist this.
Sorry guys for the late update and the cringe lemon I tried for now I warn you there will be more and worse anyways if you have any ideas please let me know until then

PEACE!!! ✌

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