☀️Chapter 43☀️

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{Yami's POV}

It's been about three weeks now and yugi's still sick and he's missed work all 21 days he's been sick, grandpa helps with Abby a lot but Abby isn't grandpa responsibility and yugi isn't getting better so I'm taking him to the doctors today,

"Yami I'm fine..."

I jump a bit getting a better and tighter grip on Abby who's on my hip me holding her, she's been really clingy lately, not that we are complaining we love our daughter it's just hard sometimes when it come to sex,

"Yugi you say that WHILE throwing up, your not okay baby and we're going to the doctors, grandpa said he'd take Abby today and we can have a day to ourselves I've even took off work today kaiba don't care"

He groans resting his head against his arm but not long after he's throwing up again into the toilet and tears streaming down his face,

"I'm going to change and get Abby ready I'll be back baby"

I kiss his head and briefly rub his back then walk to abbys room hearing her start to whimper and cry,

"Hey sh sh sh mommy will be okay"

She bites her finger gently as I lay her down onto her changing table and remove the wet used diaper throwing it into the bin then cleaning her off and using baby powder then putting a clean one on her,

"that feel better baby?"

She smiles a bit and giggles,

"Want your pacifier?"

She nods her head with her little lips trembling, I take it out of her baby bag and put it into her mouth watching her instantly start to suck and bites it,

"What do you want to wear baby girl?"

She looks at me confused not really understanding me, so I pick out three outfits and think which one yugi would put on her,

"Let's try this"

I grab a cozy cute outfit that yugi bought her a while back,

I grab a cozy cute outfit that yugi bought her a while back,

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(Her outfit ^)

"Like it?"

She nods her head lightly and kicks making her bow shake around crazy, making her giggle and me laugh a bit,

I pick her up and carry her back to yugi who's already dressed and making abby's bag, diapers, powder, baby wipes, clothes, blanket, a extra bottle, formula and several other things,


She says and reaches for yugi, he smiles and takes her from me holding her close and admiring his outfit,

"Mommy's princess"

She giggles and I peck his lips then her head,

"I'm going to make her a bottle real quick"

I say and hand him her pacifier she's dropped a minute ago while laughing,


Yugi's POV

I put her bag over one of my shoulders and hold her in my arms on my hip, Then walk to the kitchen and set her bag down and watch as Yami shakes the bottle then shakes a bit onto his hand to make sure it's right then hands it to her allowing her to feed herself, gosh she's grown so much I wish she'd stop,

"Ready baby?"

I nod and He grabs her bag as I strap her into her big baby car seat and carry it with her in it to the car and buckle it in the backseat, then getting into the passengers seat, As Yami gets into the drivers seat and drives off to grandpas house,


We've dropped Abby off at grandpas and now we're in the hospitals waiting room,

"Yami can we just go home I'm fine now"

He shakes his head and rubs his thumb over our interlaced fingers,

"We're here to see what's wrong baby, maybe your pregnant again"

His works hit me hard for some reason, do I want another baby? Abby is enough right? What if I am? I'm not getting a abortion that's wrong and if I am it's my husbands baby hopefully...

"Yami what if..."

He turns his head to me staring down at me worried,

"What baby?"

"W-what if it's not your baby...w-what If it's his"

He takes my hand and kisses it over and over again in attempt to calm me down,

"Do you remember everything that night?"

I slowly nod my head and squirm my eyes trying to remember if he released inside me or not,

"I can't remember that though, I was n-numb..."

Tears start to fall down my face as the horrible memories start to come flooding back ,

"Hey, hey shhh baby I'm right here, everything will be okay, mine or not I will love them unconditionally,"

I smile weakly and stand up then sit down into his lap letting him cradle me and rock back and forth until a doctor comes and calls for us,


We stand up and follow him back to the examination room where I once again pull up my shirt after laying onto the examination table and feeling him spread cold gel over my tummy then love a monitor over my tummy looking around,

"Let's see...hm"

I grab yami's hand squeezing it tightly afraid of the results, I don't want it to be that mans baby but what if it is? Am I a bad father/mother for not wanting his child? It would feel wrong and there are many people out there who can't have babies that want them so maybe we can but them up for adoption? I don't know!

"Do you see anything?"

Yami asks his eyes looking over the screen as well searching for something himself,


He looks down at me and weakly smiles squeezing my hand tighter then kisses it,

"Well I'm not seeing anything wrong mr sennen"

My head drops back onto the table in relief felling a huge gush of relief wash over me and I release a breath I had no idea I was holding,


I turn my head and look at Yami who smiles at me and kissing my wedding ring,

"Oh wait!"

We both snap our heads back to the doctors as he pushes down on the monitor getting a better visual,

"Congratulations you are pregnant!"


A/N: oooooo who's baby is it???? What will they do if it's the mans?

Vote, comment and let me know what y'all think!


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