☀️Chapter 18☀️

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Yugi's POV

His strong grip hold me to him as I try to get outta bed. I really have to pee and I can't get out of his grasp. I wiggle and after some time I am able to slip out. I do my business then wash up and dress into a black tank top, blue shorts since it's hot and my jewelry as always. Yami is now cuddling a pillow snoring lightly. He's so cute.

I quietly make breakfast for us both making eggs, bacon, waffles, pancakes, fruit bowl, sausage, and some French toast. I pour us both a glass of orange juice and place it onto the table neatly. Right in time yami walks in wearing only his boxers and he sits at the table rubbing his eyes.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty"

He groans then waves me off. He starts filling his plate with food. And starts eating and drinking his juice here and there.

"Are you mad I left you in bed alone?"

I fake a pout sticking out my lip making a puppy face. He looks at me strictly with a death glare and a sad one.

"It was cold...and lonely...I wanted cuddles!"

He stops eating for a minute as little tears form in his eyes. I feel bad now. I grab his hand holding it while I eat.

"Awe I'm sorry, we can cuddle later okay?"

He nods a little and starts eating again. After we both are full I put the leftovers away and yami washes everything then we cuddle on the couch and watch cartoons. After about 3 hours of cuddling, laughs, stolen kisses and cartoons we decided to be a little productive.

"Ice cream?"

I nod and he gets dressed into his black tank top and jewelry and black shorts like me. He intertwined our hands then we walk out of the house to the shop,

"What can I get you?"

She starts twisting her hair hair around her finger flirting with yami.

"Just a chocolate cone"

She looks at me and smiles.

"And who's this? Your little brother?"

He throws his head back laughing and holding his stomach. He wipes away his tears and looks at me. I'm pissed and he's laughing and when he sees me not laughing he stops.

"No no no this is my fiancé yugi"

Her smile drops and she stands back a little frowning.


I simply say avoiding them both. She gets us our ice cream and as soon as I got mine I walk away toward the bench and sit down eating my ice cream. Shortly after yami joins me.

"I'm sorry it's just we look alike and if I ever had a brother I would never treat him like i treat you I mean...I wouldn't fuck my brother"

I blush at the statement and finish my ice cream. He places his hand onto my thigh going higher and higher up.

"I should cut you off!"

He looks at me confused and licks his ice cream.

"Cut me off? Cut what off?"

"Cut you off from sex! No sex for a week!"

He gasps and backs away a little. He licks his lips clean before speaking.

"Okay, okay, look it wasn't funny I get it"

I wonder...this would be a great little teasing game. I smirk to myself before standing up and he does to getting right in my face only inches away from mine. I kiss his lips gently not giving him any pleasure from it.

"Nope, no sex"

"Can I change your mind?"

"I don't know can you?"

I lick his ice cream seductively and walks away slowly swinging my hips. He finishes his and holds my hand on the way back trying to convince me to chance my mind. As soon as we are inside i go to the kitchen and start dinner.

I start cutting up peppers and throwing them into the hot sizzling pan. I turn my music on as despacito starts playing. I sway my hips to the beat dancing around the kitchen throwing the ingredients in the pan while dancing, stirring and serving as well.

Pouring two glasses of white wine and placing them onto the table and yami walk into the kitchen on my dancing seductively. He bites his lip and watches me move my hips dancing everywhere eventually going to him and grinding back on him. He groans deeply gripping my hips letting me dance against him twerking against him.

The song ends and I pull him to the table to the food, he pulls my chair out for me then sits next to me.


"Thank you"

"Delicious...like you"

I blush but hide it, I'm going through with this little game of mine. He groans and bites his lip sipping his wine.

"Not goanna work mister"

I stick my tongue out and sipping my wine. He stares at me the entire time. We talked the entire time though. Finally it was dark and I was cleaning up now.


I stop sweeping and look at him in only his boxers staring at me while I am only in my boxers and a big sweater. He bites his lip and looks me up and down.


"Can we cuddle?"

I smile and nod looking at him fondly, he's so cute, I put away the cleaning stuff then head up to our room and lay down with him, us spooning him being the big spoon and of course I'm the little spoon. He kisses my neck over and over again trying to turn me on.

"You said cuddle, not fuck"

He groans then pushes his bulge against my bum. I hold in the moan that begs to skip out.

"Looks like you have a problem you need to solve"

He groans then starts to kiss me again.

"How about you help me?"

I turn over so our faces are inches apart and I kiss him gently and cuddle into his chest.


He groans then gives in snuggling me as we fall asleep.


A/N: it's been a while but here's a update 😊 cute little chapter yugi being a little tease. Vote and comment for more!
1041 Words
PEACE!!! ✌🏻

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