☀️chapter 16☀️

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⚠️ Not edited, Language⚠️ long one ahead 😉

Yami's pov

Yugi has no idea wha I have planned. "Where are we going?" He asks me resting his head on one palm sighing. "It's a surprise" I place one of my hands on his thigh the other is on the wheel driving. "Are we there yet it's already been so long!" He groans dropping his head dramatically. "It's only been 10 minutes" I laugh and squeeze his thigh taking a right turn and pulling up to a very large, fancy restaurant. "Oh my gosh!" He leans forward in his seat looking out the windshield at the huge building. "Yami...we can't afford this!" I shake my head getting out, grabbing my keys and walking around to his door opening it up helping him out of the luxurious black car. "Sir" I reach my hand out to him bowing in the process my other arm resting behind my back. "Why thank you handsome" he takes my hand stepping out of the car standing close to me.

I close the door and grab his hand pulling him inside into the restaurant. The huge golden framed doors open up reliving the huge restaurant, red walls, huge chandelier, multiple tables, lots of people dancing to the music and eating with their significant other, a band playing on a huge lit up stage, the room is simply lighted, each table has one or two candles on them lighting up the place a little more. "Table for 2" the man in a luxurious, most likely expensive tuxedo, bows his head holding out a arm walking in front of us. "Right this way" we follow him to a little table in the back. A white long table cloth with gold around the ends covered the table, small, cozy, white and golden chairs placed across from each other, a single candle set in the middle of the table giving off a little glow. Two menus are places at the Table one across from the other. "We will be with you in a moment"  i nod and pull out the first chair for yugi. He smiles and sits down. I sit across from him and we both scoot in a little to be closer to the table and each other. "Yami are you sure we can afford this?" I smile and grab his hand across the table. "I promise nothing is to expensive when it comes to you" He blushes looking down at his menu. I do the same looking over all the options.

Minutes later the waiter returns. "What can I get you this fine evening?" I look towards yugi than back at the menu. "Hmm I'll have one medium rare steak with some greens on the side and a white wine" Yugi nods toward me smiling lightly. " I'll have the same" the waiter writes it down on his little pad, grabs the menus from us and nods walking off. " thank you yami, for everything" I grab his hand again rubbing his knuckles softly. "Anything for you" I lean over the table a little so does he connecting our lips. The kiss is short and sweet and passionate. We pull away sitting back in our seats as the waiter comes back with our orders. He places the two plates of food in front of us and two wine glasses with a full wine bottle. He pours wine into both our glasses then places the bottle on the table. "Enjoy" he walks off leaving us alone. He picks up his fork and knife and cuts into the steak taking a bite.

His eyes flutter close a little moan slips past his lips just at the taste of the steak. "That's so good" he takes another bite stuffing his face quite quickly. "Slow down Aibou you will choke" he slows down blushing darkly swallowing his food. "That's not the only thing I choke on" he winks at me licking his fork then sips his wine. "Damn, I love you" finally I take the first bite out of my food. "Good isn't it?" I swallow the food in my mouth before speaking. "Not as good as you" now it's my turn to wink and he goes red. "Fuck you" I sip my wine winking at him. "I'd rather have it the other way around" he almost chokes on his greens.

After eating a while we finally finished and the waiter takes our plates away and brings us another bottle of wine. "Would you like dessert?" I look over to Yugi who is giving me the puppy eyes. "Can we have a moment?" He nods taking out plates away. "Alright what would you like?" I lean one arm on the table looking into his eyes. "Ice cream!!!!" He yells throwing his hands into the air. I chuckle lightly and wait for a waiter to return. "One large vanilla ice cream" He nods walking off again. " happy now?" I smile at him.

The waiter returns with a huge, bowel of vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate syrup, strawberry's and bananas. "Ooo yum!" He starts digging into his ice cream. "I'll be back" I get up and pay for the food straight up before Yugi could even think about trying to help pay. After paying I walk back to our table sitting across him. He already has half of it gone and is on his 3rd cup of wine."Where did you go?"
I shake my head and kiss his ice cream coverd cheek. "To pay" he stops eating and looks at me disappointed. "You know I could have helped." I nod and smirk licking the ice cream off his lips. "Maybe I wanted to spoil you." He blushes and licks his lips. I grab a napkin and clean off his face for him. "Messy aren't we?" He shrugs and continues eating.

After he's finished the waiter takes his bowl away . Slow music starts playing from the band on stage. "Care to dance?" I stand up reaching a hand out to him. "I'd love to" he takes my hand and I lead him to the dance floor.

Yugi's pov (finally 😂)

He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me against him. I wrap my tiny arms around his neck the best I could since I'm so small (a/n:the struggle is real 😂) "Your so beautiful" he takes one of my hands and intertwines our fingers. "Not so bad yourself" he kisses my neck then Rests his face into the crook of my neck as we move slowly to the music. "I can't wait till your mine forever" just the thought of spending forever with him makes me feel so...well perfect. "Yami?" He mumbles a soft 'yes?'into my neck as we sway to the music. "Can we go home I'm kinda tired" he nods kissing my cheek grabbing my hand pulling me out of the restaurant to the car.

He opens my door for me then walks around and gets on the passenger seat. "Tonight was lovely" he smiles and laces his fingers with mine again. "You make it lovely" he turns on the ignition and drives home with one hand on the wheel and the other holding one of my hands. Eventually we arrive home and he turn the ignition off, grabs his keys and walks around to my door opening it for me agin. "Thank you my future husband" he winks and closes my door for me. "Anything for my future bride" suddenly my feet leaves the ground as he picks me up carrying me into the beach house closing the front door and locking it then carries me to our room gently laying me onto the bed. He takes off his tux and and all jewelry until he's in nothing but his boxers then helps me remove mine.

He crawls in bed with me then pulls the heavy covers over us. "Good night aibou I love you" He kisses behind my ear and pulls me into him wrapping his arms around my waist. "Good night yami, I love you to"


A/N: wow I actually liked this chapter...huh but hey I finally wrote a chapter with no smut!!! It's been a while since I've been able to do that 😂 and it's 1393 words long... HA anyways thanks for reading , vote and comment for the next chapter


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