☀️Chapter 36☀️

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Yami's POV

Going on thirty minutes now he's a moaning mess underneath me and sweat dripping off us both,

"I-can't hold it a-anymore!"

I kiss down the side of his head to his neck and start sucking on his sweet spot leaving a dark purple hickie,


Finally feeling satisfied with his begging I cum inside the condom,

"Okay you can cum now baby, let go"

I start jerking Him off in synch with my thrust till his back arches and moans loudly as his cum shoots all over our torsos,

"That's it baby, let me"

He's held it this long so he's cum quite a bit and starts crying with pleasure after I grind out my height and pull out watching my cum Ooze out of him as I work him through his orgasam,

"Thank you"

I smile and peck his lips them clean us both off and the bed then lay next to him cuddling him to my chest.

"Goodnight yami"

"Goodnight yugi"


Yugi's POV

Morning comes and I carefully pull away from yami's hold and slip out to the bathroom and start a hot bath then slip in, the water relaxing my tense muscles and relieving pressure, closing my eyes and enjoying it,

I lean my head back until my head is lifted and I don't even have to turn around to know it's Yami slipping into the bath behind me,

"Good morning beautiful"

I hum in response and lean my head back against his chest as his hands roam my body and starts cleaning me off with a pink soapy loofah, he cleans my hair then his,

"Are you hungry?"

I nod as he moves from my chest down to my private and barely brushes over it,

"Can I?"

I don't even have to think to know what he's asking, I nod and he rings then loofah out and throws it near the sink then grabs a wash rag and soaps it up then starts stroking my cock with it,


A small smile spreads across my face as pleasure radiates through me as his pace is slow and squeezes a little as he moves from the base to the tip then brushes over my tip making my back arch and in no time cum shoots out of my tip and onto into the water,


I say and He laughs then actually washes my private area we get out and dry off as the water drains and then walks to the bedroom and slips out clothes on then he pecks my lips and we go separate ways, him to the kitchen and me I go to abby's room.

"Good morning princess"

She smiles and pulls herself up while holding onto the side of her crib but falls right back on her butt and starts to whimper and cry a bit,

"Hey it's okay baby, you'll get it eventually"

I pick her up and hold her on my hip and walk to the kitchen where Yami is making egg and cheese biscuits,

"Smells good"

He smiles and looks at us then kisses abby's head before I place her into her high chair and place a small plate of soft cereal in front of her,

"There you go baby"

She smiles and picks one up putting it in her mouth then spitting it out,

"Don't like it?"

She shakes her head then I take it away and throw away the cereal and give her a different kind,

"How this?"

She tries it then smiles and eats another,

"There you go"

I walk up behind Yami and wrap my arms around his waist as he's cooking and laying my head against his back,

"It's almost done"

I smile and kiss his back then leave and sit down at the isle as Yami sets two plates of egg and cheese biscuits with French fries in front of my and across from me,

"French fries isn't a breakfast food"

I tease as I stick one into my mouth chewing it and letting Out a small moan at the delicious taste.

"Doesn't sound like your complaining"

He smirks and places two tall glasses of sparking water down for me and him then finally sits down and starts eating,

"I've been looking at getting a job working with Kaiba" (a/n: idk how to spell it okay? 😂)

"That's great hun but try not to get to stressed okay? And I've been thinking about going into the culinary career"

He smiles at me and nods his head then looks at Abby,

"What about Abby?"


He nods and takes a bit of his biscuit and fries then drinks his water,

"Well my interview is tomorrow and with us knowing the main man I don't think it'll be a problem"

He says then chuckles a bit, I finish off my food then my water and stand up taking both our dishes and washing them along with abby's and the pan,

"Yugi, Want to have a movie night?"

I nod and smile picking Abby up and handing her a warm bottle of milk to drink and set her down on the couch and letting her watch my little pony,


I wince a bit and cower away a bit but then his arms wrap around me me and kiss my temple,

"I'll protect you"

He laughs a bit making me roll my eyes and pry his arms off me and drop them then quickly peck his lips and go sit next to my baby,

"Having fun hun?"

She nods and smiles throwing her bottle across the room, and I have to get up and get it then take it back to the kitchen where Yami is already getting abby's lunch started,

"What are you making her?"

"Pb and j"

I nod and hug him from behind and stand on my tippy toes kissing his neck,

"I love you"

I whisper against his back making him stops what he's doing and turn to me smiling, he caress my face with both hands and squishes my cheeks together making my lips pout out,

"I love you so much more"

He leans in pecking m lips adorably over and over again,

"More than you can imagine"


A/N: Abby is getting older and joining daycare, both Yami and yugi are getting jobs and there up coming drama....😳

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