☀️Chapter 39☀️

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Yugi's POV

Flashbacks, images of yesterday keeps running through my head, the alley way, the guys, the pain...it hurt so much and it felt like it lasted hours,

"Yugi, honey?"

I snap out of my trance and drop a glass cup onto the floor accidentally shattering it into tiny pieces, Abby starts crying and Yami picks me up and places me away from the glass while he cleans it up,

"I-I'm Sorry"

He throws away the broken glass then caress my face,

"It's okay, it was a accident"

He smiles and kisses my hand, He hands Abby a small bowel of soft baby candy and finishes drying the dishes I was doing,

"How about you take off work and watch Abby for a while?"

"Yami I can't I just started there I can't take off on my second day"

He sighs and puts the towel on the stove Handel then walks to me wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling my against him,

"Let me drive you and pick you up from now on and I'll be there early kaiba wont mind"

I sigh and don't argue because yami is stubborn and arguing with him is like arguing with a brick wall,

"I'm hungry"

I say then he pecks my cheek and walks toward the stove fixing us some breakfast,


"Yami I can take her in I'll be back in just a sec"

I get out and take abby I'm dropping her off then kiss her head and head back to the car to Yami, where he drives me to the house,

"Yami work is that way"

He nods and pulls up into the drive way,

"You need to shower and get dressed, all you did this morning was wake up and feed Abby then do the dishes and that's when you dropped the cup"

I look down and realize I'm wearing sweats and one of yami's hoodies, then I sigh and slap my hand over my face,

"I'm sorry I just have a lot on my mind"


After I've showered and put on my uniform Yami drives us to Starbucks and gets me a coffee and something to eat before he drops me off at work,

"Listen to me yugi, if anything happens anything at all call me I don't care if I'm in a meeting or not, okay? Even if it's just a panic attack or flashbacks call me"

I nod and smile weakly rubbing his hand then kissing him slowly and softly,

"Be here no later than eight"

He nods and pecks my lips several times before driving off and I walk in staring the day.


"Yugi can you wait tables?"

My boss asks as she starts giving everyone else new positions, I stop stirring the soup and walk to her sweat already forming and my hands fiddling,

"I- uh- ...y-yes"

She nods and walks off, great hopefully that guy and his friends don't come back,

I take several orders, most of them are couples on dates, some with friends, family some here alone, but one table caught my eye and made my heart rate pick up and a smile come onto my face,

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