☀️Chapter 48☀️

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{Yugi's POV}

Waking up that next morning was the hardest ever, luckily Yami and I did get to have sex but he has to go attend to mikey right after, he's been crying a lot and it makes me sad and I still have to watch and care for abby to, I've taken off work for a while until Mikey can handle a baby sitter and I've found someone I trust,

"It's your turn"

Yami's says to me letting me go as Mikey's cries come from the baby monitor,

"Ugh but I'm tired"

I groan and rub my eyes, Yami kisses my cheek then rolls on his other side,

"I will wait for you"

I growl and get up slowly walking to Mikeys room in only my boxers and attending to him then start walking back to the room when abby comes running out of her room,

"Mommy! Mommy! Monster!"

I rub my eyes then follow her into her room and turn on her light,

"Where baby?"

She points in her closet and hugs her bear tightly, I walk over and open it watching it carefully and just as I was about to speak snowball comes hoping out of the closet and on my foot,

"Abby baby it's just snowball, our bunny remember?"

She smiles then picks him up and hops back into bed, I tuck her in then kiss her head,

"Good night baby mommy loves you"

"Night mommy!"

I turn her light back off and walk down the hall again when mikey cries, fuck I will never get back to bed,

I walk into Mikey's room and after changing him I place him back into his crib and place his pacifier into his mouth watching him till he's sound asleep then finally getting back to my room and falling down into yami's arms and the bed,

"There you are, I was beginning to think you got lost"

I fake laugh and crawl under the blankets and cuddle into him more,


When I wake up I see it's 4:00 pm and the bed is empty and loud cries fill the house, damn

I hurry and slip a pair of jeans and a shirt then running into the kitchen to see it's a mess, pancake batter everywhere, toys, clothes, baby food, and abby is running around in only a diaper and Yami covered in baby food and feeding Mikey a bottle,

"Yugi! honey"

My mouth drops open as I observe the sight before me,

"Help please"

He says laughing a bit so I quickly grab abby and put her clothes on then make her calm down and sit her in her high chair and give her some Cheerios and chips then quickly clean up the entire mess then take mikey from him and feed him as Yami goes to clean up himself,

"Thank you so much there's no way I could be a single dad"

I laugh a bit then kiss Mikey's cheek and placing him down onto his small crib we have in the living room, then walk over to now freshly changed and cleaned yami and hug him tightly the only sound being abby's loud chewing and the tv playing spongebob quite loudly,

"How can you fix everything so quickly all by yourself?"

I shrug against him then look up into his eyes smiling, until a smile spreads across his face as well,

"I'm so glad I married you"

He leans down connecting our lips in a warm gently kiss which is quickly interrupted by crying abby,

"I'll get her"

Yami says then let's go of me to attend to her,


{Yami's POV}

Both kids are asleep for their nap and I am now massaging yugi's feet while he's moaning lowly,


He looks down at me with dark dilated eyes, clouded with lust,


I stand up and sit next to him only for him to crawl into my lap and start to grind down onto me,

"Woa Woa tiger they kids are still down here"

I point to abby who's asleep on the floor carpet and Mikey who's asleep in his extra crib,

He groans but buries his face into my neck and continues to grind,


He smirks against my neck then picks up his Pace, the couch squeaks a bit and my cock already begging for release as little 'uh's escape his lips with every thrust,

"At least let's put them to bed"

He groans but allows me to remove him and carry abby as he carries Mikey and place them into their separate room then go into ours, my slamming him against the door closing it in the process,


"Shall we practice more safe sex?"

He nods his head and bites his lip eagerly, This is going to be fun, quickly clothes are removed and he's below me on the bed whining and whispering as I slip on a condom, live up and tease around his hole,


I kiss his neck and leave several love bites and hickies all the way down his body to his thighs then kitten lick his swollen cock causing him to cry out more,

"Oh my go- Yami please!"

He fists the sheets as I smirk then kiss all the way back up his body till my lips meet his then without another word or warning I slam into him filling him up and causing a feeling of satisfaction and please rush through the both of us,


A/N: wow this is really late, I'm so sorry 😬

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