☀️Chapter 42☀️

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{Yugi's POV}

I quickly get out of yami's grip and run to the bathroom hunching over the toilet and throwing up I've had in me,

"You okay baby?"

His sweet voice echoes through my ears as his hand runs over my back soothing me until I feel more coming up and my throat burning then releasing more into the toilet,

"Shhh I'm here"

Once I think I'm done I rest my forehead against my arm which rests on the toilet seat,

"Let me feel"

He makes me look at him then feels my forehead with his wrist then pulls away confused looking,

"Your not fevered"

He helps me stand and only now do I realize I'm naked,

"Umm can you..."

He catches the Hint and leaves as I get into the shower and wash off then when I get out I dry off and walk into the room with my towel Around my waist,

I change into a plain pink tee-shirt and black leggings then walk into the kitchen to see Yami feeding Abby a small breakfast pizza,


Abby shouts and jumps a bit excited to me see, smiling and giggling,

"Hey baby girl! How's Mommy's princess doing?"

She giggles and claps her hands, I smile and kiss her head then walk to Yami who hands me a cup of coffee and a plate of breakfast,

"Morning beautiful"

He says and kisses me, his lips love softly and smoothly against mine in a slow, loving kiss, Abby giggles and claps her hands making us pull away and look at her seeing she's done finished her pizza and is now watching us and chewing on her fingers,

"Here baby"

Yami says and hands her a small teething toy, she takes it into her small chunky hands and starts then raises it and puts it into her mouth and starts continually bites it,

"Work today"

I say and drink my coffee and quickly eat my food, Yami sighs and picks Abby up after removing her bib and putting it into the dirty clothes,

"Yugi your sick I'd say because your throwing up and feeling nauseous so no, you can't work today baby I'm sorry, just stay home and be with Abby okay? I'll be back no later then eight"

He says and places Abby into her play pin then pecks my lips a few times and moaning into the kiss then kicks me lips playfully making me giggle and watch him as he grabs his dress coat and kisses abbys head then blows me a kiss and walks out going to work,

"Well...I guess I can be a little productive"

I give Abby a bath then put a diaper on her then change her, I clean all the dishes and the kitchen, bathroom, scrub the tub, make the bed, clean abbys room, do the laundry and clean the living room, make abby's lunch and give it to her and now I finally get to sit down and have a little resting time with my baby,

I sit down onto the couch feeling my heartbeat in my feet and watch as Abby scoots on her butt to me then reaches for me,


I pick her up and place her onto the couch next to me, I place a light blanket over her then quickly run to the trash can throwing up for the third time today,


I rise my mouth out and return to Abby sitting next to her again and turn on spongebob,

Her giggles are the cutest thing ever, I smile every time I hear them, her little smile and the way her small hands wave around crazily as she laughs,

Suddenly the urge to throw up comes to me again and I hold my tummy and stand up,

"Stay here baby"

I say to Abby and run to the nearby bathroom throwing up again and this time crying, my stomach hurts and I feel so nauseous, I've thrown up everything in my system,

A small hand pats my back gently then a small head rests against my back kissing it here and there,


I love her so much, I slowly raise my head up to look at her and see tears falls down her face,

"What's wrong baby?"

I say trying not to cry because of seeing her cry, she sniffles and starts to cry again then points at me,


Awe...she's crying because...me?

"Because is mommy?"

She nods her head and wipes away my tears with her little hand then hugs me tightly around my neck crying into it,

"Awe baby girl mommy will be okay, I promise"

She looks at me and sniffles again, her nose now red and her eyes are a lighter color,

"I love you baby"

She makes a little grunting noise before she finally says a full sentence,

"Wuv mommy"

I smile and hug her tightly holding her against my chest then standing up with her on my hip then flush the nasty throw up and rinse out my mouth then leave and sit back down on the couch with Abby cuddles onto my lap,

"Want to watch a movie?"

I ask her and she nods her head smiling,

"Okay baby"

{Yami's POV}

I've worked all day and the stress is becoming a little to much but it's nothing new, I work for kaiba directly and it helps that we are friends and he knows I have yugi and Abby to care for so he's easier on me then others,

"You can go home, see if yugi's okay"

Kaiba says and hands me a envelope with my pay in it then pats my back and leaves, I've told him about yugi and he thinks he's pregnant again, I'm not complaining at all I want another one! But I honestly don't think yugi is mentally ready for another I mean he was away from Abby for a day or two and he almost went crazy, point it if he's pregnant were both happy!

I get into my car and drive home, turning off my car and entering the house seeing Abby asleep on a half asleep yugi,

"Hey baby.."

I whisper and pick up Abby making yugi's eyes shoot open and gasp,

"Hey sh sh sh it's me"

He sees me and calms down then turns off the tv and I help him to our room then lay down Abby into her crib, I go back to the room and see yugi's half awake staring at the ceiling,

"Sleepy baby?"

He nods his head and I strip down to m boxers then climb into bed behind him and spoon him close with his back against my chest,

"Sleep baby"


A/N: I've decided this book will end at chapter 50 no higher than that, I'm sorry but it's got to end somewhere right? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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