☀️Chapter 21 ☀️

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Yami's POV


Yugi walks out into the living room where I was sitting reading my book; he's in only his boxers and one of my shirts. He's so adorable.

"Yes aibou?"

He steps closer by a few feet then stops directly in front of me. His eyes are trained onto the ground as little tears run down his face.

"What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?! I'll kill them!"

"No yami!"

He grips my hand pulling me back to him but stands away from me; he still doesn't want to look at me and it's three days till our wedding.

"W-why do you w-want to m-marry m-me..."

Please don't tell me he's thinking about dropping it all after months of planning and finally having it all ready.

"Because I love you"

He steps closer and looks into my eyes deeply; his beautiful eyes spilling tears out of them.

"W-why d-do you l-love m-me?"

I sit on the couch and pat my leg for him to sit on my knee but he don't listen and stands there; I gently grab his waist and pull him on me.

"Let's see"

I trace his face with my fingers tracing all his features; his nose then eyes, cheeks,chin, and finally lips where I place a gently small kiss.

"You are perfect for me, adorable yet mischievous and sassy, sarcastic at times and make me want to just bend you over my knee and show you who's boss, I love you so much I would die and give you my last breath so you could live, I would give you my heart so you could live and see this beautiful world, I would give up everything for you, house, money,friends, life, it don't matter I only ever want you"

He smiles as tears run down his face more This time it's happy tears though. He caress my face and I rest my hands on his hips as he straddles me and just rests his forehead against mine giving each other little kisses here and there.

"I love you yami"

"I love you more aibou"

•Two days till the wedding•

"No no no the roses go here!"

I sit on the beautiful pew in the back watching yugi run around bossing around everyone fixing things where he wants them. It's funny but adorable; how his face would scrunch up when he sees something he don't like, or how he would hold the bridge of his nose as he sighs deeply.


He looks at me and smiles and walks to me swiftly. He stands at then end of the pew giving me a better view of him. Sweat dripping down his face and he took off his blue jacket so he's wearing his pants and a tank top,

"Take a break love"

He gasps and grabs my hand leading me to the front of the church.

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