☀️Chapter 27☀️

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⚠️NOT EDITED, M- PREG, M-birth⚠️

Yugi's POV

A sharp pain courses through me and makes me drop the bowl of ice cream and fall onto my knees clutching my stomach tightly and screaming for yami.

"Aghhh Yami! Ffuucckk!"

He runs to me and cradles me in his arms as I breath heavy, and sweat covers my body and pain shoots through me again.

"Ahhh! Hospital now!"

He picks me up and puts shoes on me and carries me to the car and buckled me up then gets into the drivers seat, And starts driving off to the hospital.

"Breath Yugi just breath"

"I'm fucking breathing!"

I hold my huge tummy and throw my head back in pain as another contraction rips through me making me scream and more tears fall down my face,

"We're here!"

He quickly gets out and runs to my side opening the door for me and somehow carrying me inside, The desk lady sees us and instantly calls for doctors ASAP,

Three nurses come rushing out with a rolling bed and helps him onto it then starts taking him away, The doctor pats his back and tells Yami to follow.


I crunch over more screaming out as the nurses try soothing me by rubbing my arms and telling me to 'keep breathing' 'relax' 'deep breaths'

"Just get it out!"

More tears fall down my face and I'm quickly changed into a hospital gown and placed onto a hospital bed,

"Alright, what do we have here?"

The doctor puts his gloves on and looks at the computer and my monitor, he removes his mask and looks at my tummy then then the computer again,

"I'm so sorry sir but your not due for another month, if you want we can force you into labor by giving you a shot but you'd have to wait a few hours to actually give birth"

"What?! Are you serious! I'm in pain and I have to wait 24 hours?! Yami do something!"

He sighs deeply and looks at the doctor who just shakes his head smiling weakly then he looks back at me and kisses my head, he takes my hand into his and squeezes it tightly smiling at me then looks back at the doctor,

"He'll take the shot"

I look at him shocked and he kisses my lips quickly and the doctor tells the nurse something then she leaves,

"Now, mr Sennen you may not have to wait twenty four hours you may have the baby sooner than that we don't know when but we will know when your water breaks"

I sigh deeply and relax as the nurse comes back with a table full of doctor stuff and needles, he picks up a cleaning wipe and wipes off a spot in my arm then grabs the needle and sticks it in my arm injecting the fluid,

"There that's half the work right there"

He smiles at us then leaves after speaking to the nurse telling her to keep an eye on me and my monitors,

"How are you feeling baby?"

My eyes flutter a bit and I yawn a little, he kisses my hand and I stare at my belly watching the baby kick it and Yami placing his hand where they have been kicking and feels them kick bringing a smile to my and his face,

"I love you"

"I love you more"

I drift off to sleep with Yami by my side holding my hand with both of his.

Yami's POV

He's been sleeping for about two hours now and his monitor hasn't been acting up at all till it spikes wildly making him jolt awake screaming and clutching his tummy again this time worse than before,


She comes running in and looks at the monitor then at his stomach and lifts up the bottom of the blanket over him and looks under it then with wide eyes hits the emergency button and two doctors comes rushing in and puts masks on and hands me a blue coat and a mask,

"Alright listen to me mr,sennen I need you to push as hard as you can okay?"

He nods and squeezes my hand so hard I though he was going to break it. He's strong for a little fella like himself, I hate seeing him like this, crying, in pain and swear dripping off his face as he screams and leans back more closing his eyes as he pushing hard,

"You fucking did this to me you bastard!"

He says giving me the death look.

"That's it! Keep pushing ready...1...2...3 push!"

He squeezes my hand again and harder then the last time and cries out loud trying to keep his breathing and pushing again and again.

"That's it, keep breathing, one more big push ready? 1...2...3 push!"

Again he pushes but this time his screams was mixed with the screams of someone smaller...out someone.

"It's a girl!"

Yugi smiles weakly and rests back as I kiss his head then lips, he looks over to the doctor and we see our baby for the first time, yes she may be bloody and screaming bloody murder but she's beautiful,

"This is your job"

The doctor hands me the scissors and let me cut the cord and then they take her away to clean her up and they fix Yugi up and by the time they are done they bring our baby back in a pink blanket and a pink baby hat then hand her to Yugi,

"She's beautiful.."

"Like you"

He blushes and kisses her head then starts swaying her back and forth in his arms smiling,

"What shall we name her?"

"Anna bell?"

He looks back at me and hands her to me then I look down at her and she opens her eyes showing her beautiful purple eyes and she smiles at me,

"What about Abigail ,faith, Abby for short?"

He looks back at her then me and smiles nodding his head and giving me a knowing look,

"Abigail, faith sennen , welcome to the family"

/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/! /!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!/!

A/N: 🎵 here comes the daughter so small and bothered, 🎵

Yea that was stupid I know sorry 😂 anyways comment, vote and let me know what you think,


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