☀️Chapter 44☀️

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<yugi's POV>

My heart stopped completely in my chest and fear fills me, I can feel my face become pale and my body heat up, my vision becomes blurry, then everything goes black.


<Yami's POV>

"Yugi!"I catch him before he falls off the examination table and carefully lay him
Back onto it for the doctor to remove the gel,

"When can you tell who the father is?"

The doctor throws the gel covered wipe away then turns in his chair then stands and grabs something that looks like celery and walks over to yugi, breaks it, then places it under his nose waving it back and forth,

"I don't know if we can get the tests done as soon as they are born but if you and mr sennen agree then we can try to get some tests done but we will also need the blood of the other man mr sennen slept with"

I nod my head and run my fingers through his hair trying to think how the hell am I going to get that mans blood? He's not going to willingly come for testing,

Yugi jumps up crying and once he sees me
He latched onto me crying into my neck,

"I take it this wasn't a planned pregnancy?"

I rub his back slowly and whisper sweet nothings to him, and kiss his head and cheek,

"Well come back in a few weeks and we'll see how they are doing"

He smiles at us so I return a weak one back, we walk back to the car after scheduling a appointment four weeks from now,

"Yami...what if-"

I press a finger to his lips and carry him out to the car on my hip, then place him into the backseat and throw a blanket over him and get in my seat, start the car. And drive to get Abby,


"Mommy otay?"

Our little two year old asks, abby is growing up so fast it's unbelievable,

"Yes baby mommy is okay"

Yugi says and picks her up placing her on his knee and bouncing her,

"She's kinda a chunky baby"

I say tiling my head and laughing but when I see yugi's face I stop,

"She is not, she's perfect"

He smiles and kisses her cheeks,

"are you hungry?"

Abby nods her head so yugi carries her to the kitchen and places her into the high chair and a bib around her neck,


"Yami I'm bored"

Yugi stretch's out on me groaning and staring up at me from my lap, Yugi's laid Abby down for her nap about ten minutes ago

"How long should we let her nap?"

I shrug and start to rub his tummy under his shirt, he closes his eyes and his breathing becomes slow and calm,

"What if it's his..."

He asks with his eyes still closed, I sigh and lay my head back staring at the ceiling,

"I don't know baby, but let's not think that way, once they are born we can get blood work and see but we'll somehow have to get his blood"

Yugi's breath hitches and his eyes open a bit, staring out the window at the beautiful sun shining and trees moving in the breeze,

"I'm hungry"

He says making me smile and look down at him, he's already licking his lips and underneath my hand I feel his tummy growl,

"What would you like baby?"

He hums for a minute and after a few seconds his tummy growls again,

"Salted cucumbers"

"That's not that ba-"

"With peanut butter"

I try not to vomit in my mouth at the imagined taste, yuck!

"Well let me up and I'll make it"

He groans but grudgingly moves off me letting me get up and make his nasty combination,

"Here babe!"

I shout from the kitchen and watch him come running, he quickly grabs the bowl from me and runs back to the couch, I laugh and follow after grabbing a bottle of water,

"Watch a movie with me?"

I nod my head and look at the time on my watch making sure to not let abby sleep to long
Or she won't sleep tonight,

I sit down next to him on the couch, he instantly crawls into my lap with his bowl in hands,

"What do you want to watch?"

He shrugs and watches me flip
Through all the channels until I come across a dueling match,


I set the remote down, wrap my arms around his waist and watch it with him.


After twenty minutes we both start to heat a loud shaking noise,


Abbys awake now, I set yugi aside and stand up walking to abbys room, she's standing up in
Her crib with her pacifier in hand and shaking her crib while crying,

"Awe baby what happened?"

She starts crying again so I pick her up and lay her onto her changing table,

"Are you wet baby?"

She nods her head sniffing, I remove the dirty wet diaper and throw it away, wipe her clean, use baby powder, then strap a new nappy on her,

"All better!"

She claps her hands giggling and shaking around. I pick her up and carry her down stairs to the living room,


She reaches out for yugi who's still concentrated on the match, but quickly looks to his baby girl,

"Hey baby girl!"

I hand her to yugi then leave to make her a bottle,


Yugi's POV

"Are you hungry baby?"

She nods her head yes so I cradle her in my arms and take the warm bottle of milk from Yami and place the nipple between her lips, she instantly latches on, drinking it fast,

"She was really hungry yea?"

I nod my head laughing a bit,

"Yami how are we going to get his blood?"

He shrugs and wraps a arm around me,

"We'll get it baby, we'll make it we always do"

Smile and kiss his cheek then look down to Abby who's staring up at us,

I smile and kiss her nose making her smile and cuddle closer to me,

Everything will be okay


A/N: I feel like this book has become boring 😶 but it's almost done with so that's good I guess?

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