Happy Birthday

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"Happy Birthday day to you, Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear King, Happy birthday to you"

I stood back as the family gathered around the table congratulating my youngest son on turning eighteen. King wanted to be in New York for his birthday so we made the trip. After the celebration he would be heading out with his cousins as well as his brother Dem  and Cole. I trust them to keep him safe and well behaved. Fuck, who am I kidding? I already heard Dem whisper to him about how fucked up he was going to get him.

King, my youngest son, the one who made me see how hard it was to parent. Demarco was my easy one, ready to train, fight, kill. Miri was and still is Pape's girl. The only issue I had with her was boy's but King... King is one of a kind. He never was interested in the training, the learning. He did complete it and was damn good but his heart wasn't there. He had rather been out with friend's, chasing girl's and having fun. His interest was in medicine and plans on attending college here in New York to become a doctor. I know he'll make an excellent king when the time comes, I just hope he grows out of his playful ways and takes it seriously. I've stressed to him how important and dangerous his role is which only leads to an argument. I blame his lack of interest on growing up away from the family. Laney tells me to let him be, that he'll come around. He plans to stay with Dem during college so I'm hoping he can get him on the right path, the family path.

I watched As King grinned as his brother teased him unmercifuly. Turning my attention away I saw my grandson, Cole Jr., Or who we call CJ off by himself. I love all my grandchildren but I feel a certain bond with him. I guess because he was my first and I kept him a lot during Miri and Cole's hard times. Walking over, I took a seat beside him. "Hey pop pop". He said calling me by the name he gave me as a child.

I squeezed his now broad shoulder. "Something bothering you?" I asked concerned.

He shrugged. "Let's see, Pape's crazy, moms mom and Mizery, well her name explains it all. Other than that I'm good".

I gave a soft chuckle. "It will work itself out. It always does. So you found that special lady yet?" I asked to take his mind off his woes.

CJ snorted. "Yea right, you know the deal".

He was quiet for a moment then spoke. "There is this one girl though" .

"Oh really? Who?" I asked

" I don't know her name. In fact I don't even know her. She works at a coffee shop and serves me coffee. I've never spoke to her". He said.

I laughed. "You, not talk? Last I heard you had a new girlfriend every week".

Rolling his eye's he said sarcastically. "Let me guess, uncle Defucko told you that? It's just hard with this girl. I mean she seems so nice and innocent. How does a guy like me approach someone like that. It's not like I can tell her exactly who and what I am. This life isn't fair at time's" .

I glanced at my babydoll across the room who was caught up in a tug of war with King and Dem. I knew how CJ was feeling, I'd been there myself. "Here's some advice. Ask the girl out. Get to know her and when the time is right tell her. Yes, she will freak at first but if she's the one she'll see past it. Trust me, it takes a special woman to love us. And if she never returns, well she isn't the one and you're better off".

CJ nodded. "Thanks pop pop".

I reached in my pocket and pulled out the pocketwatch that my Pape gave me right before I met Laney. "Take this. It belonged to your great grandfather. Brought me the luck of the world" .

"Pop pop, I can't" .

"Sure you can. It's a gift".

CJ finally took it from me and admired it. "Thanks".

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