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The fear in Alice's eye's was undeniably real. Under these circumstances a normal person would piss their pants but not me.

I was half Butini.

Half Harper.

Half crazy.

I was in my element but this poor fellow that held the gun to my head with trembling hands wasn't. In fact he was so out of his element I guarantee he is wondering if it will hurt him when I kill him. On a different note I thought Alice's fear was just adorable. She's been robbing souls blind across the map but still is my scared little angel underneath her tough girl facade.

Giving my Angel a wink, my notorious chuckle slipped by my lips and it was time to play. "Nothing pisses me off more than being interrupted duiring a make out session. Especially when I've been chasing my girl over the country and finally have her in my clutches" .

In one swift movement I brought my arm up and shoved his gun wielding hand away. Gripping his wrist, I spun around twisting his arm into a pretzel like shape. Using force, I applied enough pressure to break his elbow. The snapping of bone sent a thrill down my spine and fed my soul. "Here's a tip fucker.... The next time you choose to pull a gun on someone make sure their not a fucking lunatic. Oh, my bad. There won't be a next time".

I removed a knife that I kept strapped to my forearm in one fluid motion. I must admit, me fighting was like a dance. I was the Fred Astaire of fighting. My moves were quick, graceful and without flaws.

Now I was good with a knife but I wasn't my Pop Pop. That man could carve someone as pretty as a turkey. Swooping down I slit this fucks tendons in the back of each ankle. Instantly he crumbled in a heap of pain as his feet were useless to him now. I knew this kill needed to be quick so Alice and I could abandon ship quickly without further incident. Raising the knife above my head, I sailed it straight into his heart like a dart. To ensure it penetrated deep enough to stop his heart, I squatted down and with the heel of my palm shoved it deeper. With one final moan of death he fell over at my feet. Jerking the knife free, I sailed the blood off on his shirt and spoke. "We've got to jet Alice".

I received no answer and turned to look at her. "Well isn't that a bitch... Literally" I mumbled .

Alice was gone. No where to be seen but we're on a boat, she can't get too far. However this is the most inopportune time to pull her running stunt. Someone could discover Ramsey's corpse at any given moment and alert the ship's security. Not that I couldn't handle them, I just didn't want to deal with them. My main objective was getting Alice back home. I didn't come all this way to fight amateurs, I came seeking one woman.... And now I have her.

Stepping from the room I let my eye's glide up and down the hall trying to assess Alice's train of thought. If I were her, a girl hiding from the law, responsible for murder and robbery while running from a sociopath mafia boyfriend, where would I go?

Nowhere. We are on a boat. Alice's options of escape is very limited unless she throw herself overboard. She wouldn't do that or would she? Yea, and I also thought she'd never Rob much less kill someone. Darting from the room I quickly made my way above deck. If I spotted a passenger I'd slow down and act cool and collected, least to bring unwanted attention. As soon as they passed on by I was at a mad run again.

Once on deck I opted to mall walk to the dark corners. Alice surely wouldn't be standing in the crowd of party goers well lit up by the light's. No, Alice would be hunkered down in the shadows contemplating her next move. It didn't take long to find her. There she was by the life boat trying to work it free. Seems the life boat was mainly loose and leaning haphazardly to the side but Alice didn't have the muscle to give it the extra push it needed. "Need a hand Angel?"

Double Down (a double standards series) Dark Romance (Part 7)Where stories live. Discover now