Anchors Away

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This song, this song!! Ya gotta listen to it!! Watch out boy's!!!


The sun and salty air kissed my newly tanned skin. The water was crystal clear and the sand sugar cookie white. Coconut scented tanning oil along with my fruity drink mixed in with the relaxing scent of the ocean. I hung my legs over my lounge chair and let my pink polished toes dig into the warm sand. I watched As children ran along with their shovels and pails splashing along the surf, Couples walking along hand in hand or frolicking in the waves. I watched surfers catch their waves and spotted the little breathing pipes of snorkelers as they protruded the water but what had my attention the most was the boats along the horizon.

Tomorrow I would be on one of those fine boats rubbing elbows with the elite. That's right, my next big pay day would be on that boat and his name is Ramsey Cortez, owner of the world renowned Cortez Clubhouses. Basically they are a luxury resort chain. I randomly bumped into Ramsey while I was in Houston on my latest journey. However I didn't have the pleasure of actually meeting him. I was visiting the lounge at his Houston Resort searching for my next victim. Luck would have it that I had already sunk my claws into Trevor or was it Simon? Who knows at this point, there's been quite a few now and I've lost track.

When Ramsey made his entrance I knew immediately he was the cream of the crop. I could smell the wealth envelope him like an overpowering cologne. I knew if I could lure him to a room I wouldn't need to be Fire for several months. He was my pay dirt, my jackpot. My only dilemma was that I had already chosen my sucker for the night and if I was to snub him it may cause a scene and expose my identity. Instead I did a bit of eavesdropping and discovered who he was. The next day I caught a flight to Memphis and took a relaxing day at the spa. One thing about my new job I never have to worry about a thing. I could afford the nicer thing's in life now, see many places and spoil myself, something I have always been denied. At last I was free and independent. Sure I knew what I was doing was wrong but I couldn't stop. I felt raw guilt for taking advantage of these men but it was my only means for survival. I tried to make myself feel better by convincing myself that these bastards deserved it.

While lounging at the spa in Memphis I did my research on Ramsey on my laptop. I discovered that he would be visiting the Bahamas in a few month's to open his newest Resort. While visiting there would be a party in his honor held on a massive yacht. Knowing that I couldn't secure a invitation I did the next best thing, I applied for the help on the boat. Having access to fake identification I happily and confidently supplied an outstanding resume. Needless to say I scored the job. My plan was to arrive on the boat as kitchen help. Once in I would lock myself away in a bathroom and transform into Fire. Ramsey would be my next meal ticket.

Now here I lie on golden beaches sipping the finest on the shelf, drapped in the latest runway fashions and select jewelry dangling from my body and a smile resting upon my lips. Was I scared? Not at all. After I pulled my first three jobs off my nerves wore off and I go to work as anybody with a normal job would. Was I happy? The happiest ever. Even though my work wasn't honest I didn't need to worry about supporting myself anymore. I was my own boss. I didn't answer to anyone and never would I be controlled again.

But at night he comes to me in my vivid memories. When I make myself a cup of coffee there he is again. I can't deny that I miss him and wonder what he's doing and if he's okay. Many time's I question if I made the right decision in fleeing him. I can't hold his lifestyle against him anymore because in all honesty I'm no better than him. I lie and steal.... And even killed.

The murders I committed don't seem real. I can't even recall pulling the trigger. I barely remember cutting the tracker from my arm or the pain. I blame my lapse of memory on shock. That's the only answer I've got. I was scared and reacted in the only way I could. No matter what though, my decisions that night changed my life forever. I am now a wanted person. That's something I can't undo. Yes, I wonder if and when I'll get caught but my sorry only makes me smarter. I pinpoint my victims now and learn all there is to know about them. I check my locations to see where the security camera's are hidden to make sure to avoid them. My next plan is to stop calling myself Fire. The news has splashed that name enough that my victim's may be aware of it, so tomorrow I'll introduce myself as Trixie.

The night arrived too soon and I found myself making my way on board to report for work. The first chance I got I slipped away and proceeded with my makeover. Stripping from the traditional kitchen attire, I slipped into a red silk dress. A slit rode high up my leg making them look endless. The heels I selected only intensified my long leg effect and made me look taller than my normal short stature. Letting my hair loose from it's braid I shook it out and watched soft curls frame my face. As my final touch, I vamped up my neutral makeup to a Smokey eye look and red lips. By the time I finished the party was in full effect.

Exiting the bathroom I made my way to where the music chimed. Grabbing a flute of champagne I made myself look very available and approachable. It wasn't long before Ramsey spotted me and I batted my luscious eyelashes at him and turned my smile to the man who was currently chatting me up. Soon I saw Ramsey making his way toward me. At first he made light jokes until the man I was talking to excused himself knowing that he lost out already. "Oh thank you". I said in a damsel in distress tone.

" not to be rude but I didn't think I'd ever get rid of him. Ughhh. He noted my to tears". I laughed.

Ramsey smiled. "I'm glad that I could be of service to such a lovely lady. I'm Ramsey Cortez by the way".

Giving off a sexy smile, I extended my hand. "Trixie, Trixie Cole". I purred.

I have no idea why I used CJ's name as my own, it just tumbled out. Ramsey grinned. "That's an interesting name".

" I'm an interesting woman". I spoke.

Giving me a wink he said. "I can see that already. Now tell me how do you happen to be at my party.?"

A hint of fear slithered through me as I wondered if he was on to me. Instead I continued to play my role. "Well actually I'm here with a date. Tyler Jacobs to be exact. He's an employee at the new Resort here. Seems he hasn't quite found his sea legs though. He seemed a bit sick earlier and went to rest in a vacant room leaving little old me by my lonesome" . I said with a pout.

Ramsey bit, bait, hook and line. Within in twenty minutes he was leading me to his private quarter's where I would Rob him blind. As we walked along I eyed the one and only life boat on the yacht to ensure it was still unhooked so I could make my quick escape. As he opened his door I could hear the ching ching of money already.

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