Hearts Entangled

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I trailed behind Sire as he led us to his apartment. As we entered I took his space in. I've never been to his home and I instantly could tell it was different from CJ's and Heirs. Where their places boosted of the typical bachelor pad item's such as gaming systems, workout equipment and the occasional messy corner Sire's didn't.

Sire's home had a certain warmth and inviting atmosphere about it. Book's lined one wall on beautiful wooden shelves. The place was immaculate and didn't look lived in aside from his reading glasses resting on top of a book on the end table. The colors were neutral and expensive artwork graced the wall's. Even though the place was welcoming I could detect a sense of loneliness about it. Sire spied me eyeing the book's. "I collect rare book's and I'm a sucker for original prints. Yes, I'm an avid reader. Most of my free time is spent getting lost in the page's. Just for a moment I'm drawn into a different time, life or world and I'm not focusing on this life of mine".

A soft smile played upon my lips at his revelation. "I'm sorry for my treatment of you Sire. I wasn't a good friend and you know how CJ is about us speaking".

" Yes, I know CJ all too well. In fact if he knew you was here it would be a war. Maybe you should go. Maybe we shouldn't speak". Sire said tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"Nonsense Sire. We can't let CJ dictate every aspect of our life". I argued.

" no I don't have to Alice but you do. You are his. You belong to him". Sire said with a hint of resentment.

"Geez, when you say it like that it makes me feel like a prisoner." I paused then tossed up my hands.

" I am. I am CJ's prisoner. You know he's forcing me into marriage? "

Sire took a deep breath. "I think we all are assuming that Alice".

I shook my head sadly. "I don't want to marry him". I spoke in nearly a whisper.

" Do you love him Alice? "

"I do. I do love him but marriage isn't the answer to this. I can't make him understand that if we do this it will end terrible. I'll hate him and in the end he'll hate me too. We need time to learn each other better, see if we would work out. He barely knows me yet he claims I'm his one".

"And he is right Alice. I can't explain it but all Harper men know the exact moment they meet the woman who's going to stand by them. Trust me, I know this all too well"

A sadness seemed to flicker in Sires eye's as he spoke the last sentence. A uneasiness came over me yet a need to get closer to him drew me in. Was Sire indicating that he had loved or does love someone? I've never heard a mention of any girl before but I was curious". Who is she Sire? "

Giving a snort he turned toward the kitchen and called over his shoulder. "We shouldn't discuss this".

Following behind him I plopped down into a chair as Sire started a pot of water for tea. "It may help if you get it out. We are still friend's right?"

Sire gave off a wise chuckle that seemed to be hereditary in this family. "Yes we are friends and no. Some thing's or best left alone Alice".

" Sire". I begin but was cut off.

Tossing a spoon into the sink with agitation he spoke defensively. "You just don't get it Al. For years I sat back and watched as my brother and your precious CJ bagged different women every night. Me, I needed more than that. I needed friendship, loyalty, someone to call mine and mine alone. Sure, I've had a few rounds of meaningless sex but I always felt empty afterwards. I need connection on a higher level. Yes I met the perfect girl. She's beautiful, smart, funny and just the best thing ever but...."

" But what Sire? " I asked urging him to continue.

Shaking his head he laughed. "She's taken. I waited so long to meet the one and she's fucking taken" .

"But that doesn't mean anything Sire. Look at me, I was in a horrible relationship when I met CJ. Thing's aren't always as they appear. At least try to win her".

Sire pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. "For me to even attempt to try would be sudden death. For me or the other guy and possibly even the girl. I can't bring this burden to my family".

I was assuming maybe the girl or guy was from a rival family and it would cause problems. "Could you not talk it over?"

Sire gave me a daft look. "Al you've been around the family long enough to know we don't talk shit out. We shoot then ask the questions" .

"True". I agreed.

" But there has to be something that can be done. Have you let the girl know of your feelings? "

Sire looked at me oddly and spoke deeply. "I just did".

My eye's opened in surprise and word's were at a loss. I didn't know how to react to this news. Should I just leave, persuade him that I'm not the one? What? I've have only seen Sire as a friend nothing more. True he was a good guy and not like the other's.  Any girl would be lucky to call him theirs. He had good looks, charm and a old soul.

Suddenly the kettle fired off its shrill alert and I was thankful for the interruption. Sire made himself busy making the tea as I fiddled with my earring out of nerves. I couldn't help but wonder how thing's would be had I ended up with Sire instead. Would I be forced into an unwanted marriage? I did love CJ but the way thing's have been makes me weary. My emotions are scattered but I do know that I need to fill loved right now and CJ isn't providing that. Sure if I willingly agree to this marriage he'd be dying to shower me with affection but it shouldn't be that way. He shouldn't withhold his affection from me in a attempt to make me follow his rules. It's a one-sided relationship with him and it's always his side that wins. It does make me question his love for me. Is he in love with me or in love with the fact that he can control me. I've lived my life being controlled by someone so I'm not about to sign up for a lifetime commitment to a controlling person.

Sire broke up my thoughts as he placed a cup of steaming tea before me. "Sugar?" He asked softly.

I only nodded my head yes. I watched As he delicately stirred sugar not my cup. His hands so skilled yet they were shaking. Probably from revealing the truth to me. I found my hand inching toward his. It seemed to be beyond my control and I couldn't stop if I wanted to. I placed my hand atop his and looked up at him with curious eye's. His own eye's bore back into mine and I could see the questions and warnings that tangled his mind, for I was battling the same thoughts. Slowly I felt myself being lifted from the chair to stand. Sire placed his palm against my cheek and I found myself nuzzling into his touch. A tormented groan came from him.

His free arm twined around my waist and pulled me against his chest. Then it happened. His mouth came down on me with bruising force. Our tongues danced a sinful waltz as we fought to get even closer.

Then like a burst of cold air Sire shoved me away. "I can't. I can't fucking do this. Get the fuck out Alice. Leave. Never come in my presence again" .

Hurt, shamed and scared I darted out the door in tears. I had no whe re to run to. It wasn't like I could just waltz out the door. I'm sure his men would stop me. Not knowing where to go for a quiet moment while I pulled myself together I dashed toward the Den. The long secret hallway would be my refuge. Once there I sank to the floor and cried. I can't believe I allowed that to happen. I love CJ, he's just so mean. Guilt and shame swallowed me up and then a very dark realization hit me.... I'm going to die. CJ will surely kill me for this.

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