I Ain't Scared

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This shit is getting old. Just like any other night that I was free, I ended up at the club with my hair brained cousin Heir. He was always up for a party and wild night's. I've heard many say he is just like his Pape was at this age, well until Auntie Sam came along and put a whip to Uncle Demarco 's ass. Yep, from the stories passed down Aunt Sam put him on lock down and ended his wild reign.

That's what I want, what I need. Partying and having meaningless sex has lost it's appeal. I'm ready to find that special girl and calm myself down. I want long term. I had hoped that I had found that in Alice but turns out I was just a fling to overcome her wedding jitters. I was crazy to think coming out tonight would cure my want for her. Every female that approached me I had no interest in. I found myself comparing them to my sweet little, blue eyed angel. Their smile couldn't compete with hers. Their voice lacked her silky softness. They didn't portray her innocent ways that made her so undeniably cute and oddly enough they didn't smell of mint chocolate coffee.

After an hour of watching Heir work his charm on the girl's and me avoiding any and all female contact I decided that it was time for me to go. Besides I didn't want to spoil Heir's vibes. Downing what was left of my drink I pulled Heir aside. "I'm out man".

" What Dude? We are knee deep in New pussy and you want to leave? " He asked

I shook my head. "I'm just not feeling it tonight man. I'll catch ya later".

He gave me a quizzical look. "What's up bro?"

I hadn't told anyone about Alice nor did I plan to. My lifestyle was difficult enough without adding the opinions of my family to it. We all knew it was safer and wiser to choose a mafia breed women or so most thought. However I find that hard to believe when I think of both of my grandparents relationship as well as uncle Demarco. Now yes, my parents were raised in the mafia but they never told me how to choose when it came to love. Even if Alice was mine there's a big chance she would never accept this life of mine or should I say curse. It wouldn't be fair of me to involve an innocent in my life and put them in danger as well. Fuck, my mind is all over the place with this relationship mess but I do know I'm ready for something more than a casual one night stand. Snapping my mind from my feelings I looked at Heir who was giving me a strange look. "Sorry man, I'm just not feeling it tonight" .

Thankfully Heir nodded his understanding and didn't try to pry. As I walked in my door I begin to undress. All I wanted was to get comfy and chill. Throwing on some pajama pants, I crawled in bed and flipped the tv on. Same old shit was on, news shoving politics down my throat, some dull ass realty show of a bunch of idiot's living under the same roof drinking and screwing through life. Then there was the home and garden network showing how to build those tiny home's. Finding it all a bore, I shut it off and reached into my bedside table drawer to retrieve the latest novel I had been reading. Flicking my lamp on I placed my glasses on my head and cracked the book open. Imagine that, big, mean mafia man enjoys a good book and has a soft side. I'm really an old soul underneath all my guns, scars and training. I had just completed a chapter when my phone buzzed. Seeing it was the security from down stairs I took the call. "Yea?"

" Mr. Butini, we found a young woman curled up outside of the building. She seems to be in bad shape and won't give us her name. Says she needs to see you".

The fuck could this be I thought to myself. "I'll be down in a few". I said and disconnected.

Throwing a shirt on I grabbed my gun in case it might be a set up. As I entered the lobby I asked one of the men. "Where is she?"

He pointed outside. "We didn't want to bring her in without permission Sir".

I nodded and went out the door. A few of my men stood by her still trying to question her. Walking over I peeked down. "Jesus Christ". I growled and scooped down to pick Alice up from the cold concrete.

Double Down (a double standards series) Dark Romance (Part 7)Where stories live. Discover now