Reversed Proposal

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Stretching like a fat house cat a satisfied smile spread across my lips as dirty memories from last night danced in my mind. CJ took me out to my very first professional ball game and I loved it.

Afterwards we stopped by one of the many club's the Harper's own for a few drinks and dancing. Needless to say a few drinks turned into too many and we both fell through his apartment door in buckets of laughter. Then thing's got naughty quick.

CJ took me right there on the floor and then again in the kitchen. CJ can always last awhile but with a few drinks in him he's unstoppable. Eventually I had to beg him to find his release because my body was wearing down. The slightest move and my body ached with soreness this morning as image's of all the positions we twisted into duiring our drunken state but I only grinned. Every muscle ache this morning was worth it.

Turning to look at his sweet, sleeping form I smoothed a lock of hair from his forehead and watched him stir. Without opening his eye's he mumbled something incoherent and snuggled his head back into his pillow. Chuckling, I knew he was in for a hangover.

Deciding to let him continue to sleep, I eased from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. A sticky residue clung to my body and I couldn't wait to get under the hot spray of the shower.

After a leisurely bath, I tugged a comfy sweater dress over my head paired with brown leather riding boots.  All gifts from CJ. It's been nearly four month's since my return and the best four month's of my life I might add. CJ is an entirely different man and never have I felt so loved and pampered in my life. No longer does he force marriage or anything else upon me. In fact he asks my opinion on thing's before he does them. However when we are around his family or I accompany him to a meeting or event I play the obedient female that caters to her man out of respect for him. He's too good to me for me not to show him respect in public but behind closed doors it's a different story.

Since we reunited we have become a strong, loving couple. CJ dotes  on me and takes me out nightly. Often he surprises me with gifts and has given me a unlimited credit card to do as I please. I am well cared for in all area's but it not about all of that. CJ makes me happy and wants to see me excel. Currently he is putting me through college where I'm studying to be a accountant. He's very proud of me and I am proud of myself too.

I'll never forget our third month anniversary. CJ is big on celebrating every mile stone of our relationship. After a romantic meal CJ brought me back here where he said a big surprise awaited me. Curious and excited I couldn't wait to finish dinner. I was a tad stumped when he lead me to the pit and couldn't believe what awaited me behind that metal door.

As we stepped in the cool air slithered around me and the dank air filled my nostrils. In seconds CJ flipped the light on filling the cement room with a yellow glow. I took a step back as I saw the familiar man sitting tied to a chair. CJ touched my arm and pulled me closer. "It's okay Angel. He can't hurt you anymore. This is my gift to you. Do as you would like with him".

I stared into my uncle's eye's in bewilderment at first but then all the horrible memories came flooded back. I was just a child who needed the love of parent's, needed someone to care for her and be there. Instead this sack of shut made my life misery. Between him and my aunt they emptied the money that my parent's had left for me. Many nights I went to bed on the floor hungry while they ate like kings and slept on the finest silk on my dime. The beatings and hurtful word's still live inside my head. Then once my Aunt disappeared this creep thought he could rape me. As I stood frozen taking this pathetic excuse of a man in I didn't realize silent tears slid down my cheeks until CJ pulled me to him. "It's okay Angel. I'll take care of him for you".

I watched As CJ made his way toward my uncle. Just as he held the hammer above his head preparing to bring it down I shouted out "no".

My voice echoed around the room and CJ turned to look at me questionable. Closing the distance between CJ and I, I whispered in his ear. "I've got this babe".

Removing the hammer from his hand I stepped to my uncle. A pleading look came to his tired face. "Please Alice, help me save me." .

"Like the way you saved me?" I snarled.

" I was a child you bastard".

"I'm so sorry Alice. You Aunt made me treat you that way. Please forgive me". He begged.

I smirked. "I forgive you uncle".

" Oh thank God". He huffed out.

"Don't thank God just yet". I said and brought the hammer down upon his head.

The first blow didn't knock him out so I continued pounding upon his skull. By the time I finished his skull was the consistency of mush and blood splattered my face and body as well as the walls. At last I was at peace.

CJ envelopes me within his arm's and lead me to the nearest bath where he scrubbed me clean. "Happy third month Angel".

Smiling I cupped his chin. "I fucking love you".

Feeling complete, I erased the thought and headed to the kitchen. My plan was to prepare a wholesome breakfast for CJ but I ran into the maid scrubbing chocolate sauce from the floor and counters. My cheeks flared from embarrassment at having left evidence of our sloppy love making from last night behind. Thankfully she hurried along and left without a shameful glance at me.

Making myself busy I had breakfast ready in no time. Placing the pancakes on a tray I made my way to the bedroom where I was happy to see CJ awake. Rubbing his hands together in anticipation he grinned. "Looks good Angel but you look stunning this morning. You always do".

Giving him a kiss I sat across from him as he gobbled the pancakes down caveman style. I dabbed a bit of syrup from the corner of his mouth and just watched this amazing man in his simplest form. I knew I'd never go a day without him or his family whom I've grown very close to.... Well besides Demarco who seems to be holding a tremendous grudge and Sire whom I don't associate with in any way. I love them all hugely. Even his grandparents whom I didn't get the honor to meet. I want their killer's found as much as the rest. Betrayal against my family is a betrayal against me.

Looking at CJ enjoying breakfast I smiled and stated. "Marry me Mr. Butino".

He dropped his fork and laughed loudly. "I thought you'd never ask Angel. Fuck yes I'll marry you".

CJ swooped me up in his arm's and let's just say that we made another sticky mess.

Double Down (a double standards series) Dark Romance (Part 7)Where stories live. Discover now