Tonight 's Menu: Drama

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Walking into my parent's kitchen I saw my mom hustling about putting the final touches on dinner. She looked immaculate as always but I knew her well enough to know that underneath her calm exterior she was panicking. Probably wondering if her food turned out right, if she looked nice enough, had she forgotten anything. She'd always been one to strive for perfection in all thing's and it drove my Pape crazy. No matter how many times he told her that she was perfect to him she still kept going.

I didn't want to add to her anxieties but I was dealing with issues of mine own right now, like Alice coming over for dinner and Duel being back. This was a recipe for disaster.

"Mom, how's thing's coming along?" I asked .

She took a deep breath and dried her hands off on the dish towel. "Dinner is nearly done and the dishwasher broke. I've got a sink full of dishes to make disappear before people arrive. I'm too of that I can't reach your father. I've called him several time's but nothing. I swear if he's off his meds again I'll kill him this time... I really will".

Rolling up my sleeves I set forth to tackle the dishes for her, it was the least I could do. I did find it a bit odd that she couldn't reach Pape.  Please don't let him show up drunk or unmedicated. "Mom, could you please try and make sure everyone behaves tonight?"

She gave a soft chuckle. "I'd have better luck trying to stuff an elephant into a shoe box, but yes, I'll give it my best shot. This Alice, you must really like her CJ?"

I smiled. "I believe I do mom. She's so different from the other's and I'm so worried that when she discovers the truth it will be over".

She gave me a sympathetic look. "I can't pretend to know what it's like to hide who you are from someone you care about. Your Pape and I was born into this so there was no secrets of surprises. What I do know is that it won't be easy. Take it from Sam and both your grandmother's. Just be certain she is trustworthy before you reveal too much, if she doesn't discover it on her own."

Suddenly curious, I asked. "How did Pop Pop, Dem, and grandad break it to them"?

Mom laughed. "Oh honey, they didn't. Mom was actually cheating on her then boyfriend with Pape. She went to bring thing's off with the boy and thing's got ugly. She told Pop Pop she no longer wanted to see him but he didn't buy it. Him as well as your other grandfather busted up into her hotel room and took care of the guy and believe it or not he basically kidnapped mom and held her at his place in this very building. It was all history from there".

Wow, I knew certain mafia men would hold what they wanted against their will but I never thought my Pop Pop would do that. Seeing the expression on my face mom laughed. "Don't worry. Mom loved him more than anything. Naturally she was scared and refused him but eventually gave in to her heart's desire. Same for Sam and your grandmother Ela."

Soaking all this in I wondered if I could have the nerve to force Alice to remain by my side of she chose to leave after finding out. Mom pecked me on the cheek and went to freshen up. I put the last dish away and went to pick Alice up. As I entered her apartment I found her in her room putting her earnings in. "I'm almost done babe". She said.

I stood back taking her in. She was lovely and I knew I way more than liked her. I knew right then that I loved her. I watched her every movement as if I'd never see her again. Turning she smiled. "How do I look?"

I could sense that she was nervous about this dinner, hell I was. Raking my eye's over her little black dress I whispered. "You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen" .

A smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she blushed. "You're being too nice".

Walking up to her I pulled her into my embrace. "My family is insane so let me apologize for anything you may see or hear tonight. Oh and one other thing Angel, I love you".

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