Secret Training

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One minute I was fighting and the next I was writhing around on the floor in pain. Gathering my thoughts, I pushed the pain aside and jumped to my feet to find where the shock came from.

Seems that Sire had the exact same idea as I, finding the person responsible for shocking us. I sent him a hard glare to earn him this wasn't over yet and I was met with his now deathly glare that promised so much more was to come. Normally Sire was the quiet, kept together one out of us all. His eye's shined of kindness and a peaceful calmness but if provoked he could quickly turn into a raging monster and it just so happens that I just pushed his provoking button.

No one believed that Sire and Heir were twins. True they resembled each other but it stopped there. Heir was loud, obnoxious and easily angered, always ready for a fight and mostly started the fight. Whereas Sire tried to reason with people first if the situation allowed it but still had no qualms about killing someone if he had to. It took a lot to upset him but once his anger surfaces he can be a deadly force, definitely someone you wanted on your side and not as a enemy. "Enough boy's" . We heard someone say.

Tearing our threatening glares from each other we looked over at Mizery who was dangling a tazer from her hand and giving us that shitty smile of hers. "The fuck you do that for? I demanded while rubbing the tender spot the tazer left behind.

" you're so fucking crazy. You should be committed". Sire hissed.

Mizery only laughed at that. It was hard to hurt her feelings, in fact there's a possible chance she doesn't have any feelings. "True, Sire, but I own my craziness. I wear it like a crown. Besides we all know if I was committed I'd be running the place in a matter of day's. Letting all of us that's presumed to be crazy run around while the doctor's and shrinks are the ones being strapped down and forced fed meds" .

I shook her word's off and refocused. "Once again, why did you do that?"

She laughed. "Did it hurt? Good".

I was beginning to lose patience and she could sense that. "Because you are making a hell of a mistake. Sire isn't trying to fuck your girl. He's actually trying to help you by speaking on your behalf. Trying to convince Alice to forgive you. Now don't you feel like a big asshole? Next time you should ask questions first before attacking someone".

" your one to talk about asking questions first". I retorted sourly.

Mizery stuffed the tazer back into her bag. "I don't need to because I already know the answers".

She walked to the door. "Sire come with me. You two can suck each other's dicks for an apology later or finish the fight, who cares. CJ I suggest you do some fast talking" she said and nodded toward Alice before leaving me alone with her.

It was the first time I laid eye's on Alice duiring this entire ordeal. There she stood over in the corner with her arm's hugging herself in fear as she cried. Here I had went and done it again. I know what she just witnessed wasn't like a normal fight, no what she just saw was two natural born killers going at it like they were in for the kill. I took a few slow steps toward her. "Alice" . I whispered.

she tossed her hands up in a stop motion. "Don't come near me CJ".

" Angel, I'm sorry. I misunderstood and I'm not going to hurt you. Please, let's talk". I pleaded.

She shook her head. "Its not just you, it's your whole family. What is wrong with you all? Normal people don't act this way. Your sister scares the hell out of me just by walking in. Heir always has this crazy look in his eye's. Sire was good up until I seen this. And you... You can go from this sweet caring guy to some vicious, controlling asshole in seconds. And that fucking creepy laugh you do when your becoming irritated crawls my skin. You're like a family of uncontrollable delinquents" .

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