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It's been awhile since I've really told every one of you how much I truly appreciate your support, votes and comments!! So I've added a little insert from London and Laney's upcoming book to show my appreciation!

As of yet I haven't made a book cover nor came up with a book title. Suggestions are always welcomed!!


Time wasn't a factor in this abstract place I was in. Day faded into night but there was no general time, no way to determine how many day's had passed. Had I been here a week? Month's? Forever?

No, I know I haven't been here forever, that just doesn't even feel right. I just wish I could recall where I had been before this place. Why was I here? Who was I for that matter?

Then there's that tall, dark man who seems to always be looming about watching me with those dark, calculating eye's. Eye's that if I look into for to long seems to read my soul, seems to know more about myself than I do and I don't like it.

In fact I don't like a thing about him. Him or his black suit and little black bag. I don't like the thing's he makes me feel or the way he calls me babydoll even considering I've asked him not to.

It's hard to describe but when he stands too close I feel myself wanting to be pulled in by him. My body reacts in shameful ways to this stranger and my mind is begging for him to touch me in my most intimate places.

Often he talks about a place and person I know nothing about. He talks about thing's that sound as if they could've been torn directly from a horror story. But this woman he speaks of... It's obvious he's in love with her and I berate myself for feeling a tinge of jealousy. I have no right to feel jealous. He isn't mine.

More or less when I watch how his eye's go from dark menacing clouds to melted chocolate when he speaks of her I feel envious. I don't recall my past but I could only wish that someone somewhere was missing me like he is missing this woman. She must have really been something special.

Currently I'm walking along the beach where the ocean kisses the shore and continuously comes back for more. An undying love that can't be destroyed. As the cool, refreshing water rushes over my feet and my toes melt into the sand I look up to see him watching me yet again. It's unsettling yet at the same time my body starts to betray me. I feel my nipples tighten under his gaze and I fucking want to smile back at him but fight it.

Absentmindily I bring my hand to my neck feeling for something that I know isn't there. I don't know what exactly is suppose to be there but I know something is missing and it makes my heart ache. Having enough of his gaze I begin to approach him and a crooked grin erupts across his face. It's obvious he enjoys knowing he can unsettle me so.

With my fists balled up by my side I harked out. "Why are you always watching me?"

His grin only broadened and he replied lazily. "Because you are my babydoll. Mine to protect".

Jutting my chin up I met his eye's. "I belong to no one and stop calling me that ridiculous name. Can't you just leave me alone?"

"Never babydoll and underneath all your tough word's you secretly don't want me to. I see how your body reacts to me. You may not know who I am but your body does". He chuckled.


I laid my palm across his cheek sharply but he only laughed. "You know nothing about me or my body you perv."

His look grew dark and his voice deeply accented. "I know every inch of you. I know what your sweet juices taste like. I know the sounds you make when I drive into you and I know how my name sounds when you scream it and beg me not to stop fucking you".

Giving him a disgusted look even though my center was now throbbing I spat. "Eat shit and die".

Again he laughed. "I'm not eating shit but I might be able to please you in the death department".

"You're so fucking strange". I hurled back.

Still smiling he bent over to dust some sand from his leg. His sleeve slid up revealing a tattoo along his wrist of a seven. Immediately I gasped as a tattoo of an eight blasted into my mind. "Eight". I gasped.

"Dem. Demarco. Dem, Dem". I kept repeating and my chest filled with hurt so painfully I thought I'd pass out.

London shot up quickly and stepped toward me. His smile now gone but a look of concern and hope seemed to cross his face now. "Yes Laney, Dem. Tell me babydoll that you remember, please".

I squinted my eyes shut trying to concentrate. The numbers seven, eight and nine kept pounding inside my brain. What does it mean? Fuck, it was so frustrating. "Demarco, Demarco". I kept repeating and gripped my chest as it hurt so bad.

"Remember Laney". London kept pressing.

"I can't". I admitted through a sob.

I don't know why but I was crying because my heart hurt so bad. Through my sobs I tried to explain. "It hurts so bad. I can't put a face to the name, not even a voice. I don't know what that name means to me but I know it makes my heart swell with love, a strong love and worry. I'm scared for him. Is he safe? Hurt? He needs me, I can feel it. Dem."

I clawed at my neck again wanting to feel something there but as usual nothing was there. "Dem" I sobbed out loud.

With misty eye's and a choked voice London spoke softly. "Dem, Demarco Harper is your son Laney. He's our son'.

I cried harder as I backed away from him shaking my head. "Why would you say such thing's. I would surely remembered if I had a child."

"Babydoll please. I know this is hard and scary but please babydoll let me help you". He said trying to reach for me.

"Don't come near me". I screamed.

"And stop calling me that. I'm a fucking queen, not a damn doll. I am a queen".

Feeling emotionally  overwhelmed I took off in a sprint toward the wooded area off of the beach. Once inside the cool shade of the tree's I found a clear spot to sit and think. My chest still hurt from remembering the name Demarco and I needed to find out why. Would that dark man in his black suit lie to me? Was Demarco Harper my child, my son?

Double Down (a double standards series) Dark Romance (Part 7)Where stories live. Discover now