Murder On The Brain

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First I would like to thank everyone who has followed me on Instagram! You are all awesome! In case you missed or didn't read my memo (hahaha.. I don't blame you. I as well have the tendency to skip notes) I recently joined Instagram as a way to communicate with everyone and share our love for the Harper's. You can find me at..

Instagram: @nikki_hershell

Hope to see you there!I

Now buckle up! This chapter is sure to surprise!


What a fuck storm of a week. First the capture and return of Alice. Then my parent's as well as my uncle chewed my ass out over my decision to marry as well as disobeying. Now our latest lead in my grandparents murder ended up dead before we could reel the bastard in.

There's no doubt in my mind that the head of this operation had him killed before we could reach him. If so that could only mean one thing.... We are getting closer to finding this douche bag. He didn't kill our suspect the easy way. No, he sliced his tongue out and stuffed it in his hands before injecting his body with rat poison. I do believe that his severed tongue placed in his hand was meant as a message for as. He knew we wanted to talk to this fucker somehow therefore rid him of his tongue. It was if he was taunting us.

I really needed to clear my head and take a break from all the maddness. I couldn't wait to get home to Alice and just have a normal conversation. I had to admit I was curious as to see the idea's she had for our weds and honestly I needed a tight hug.

As I stepped in I loosened my toe and called her name. Walking further in I found her sitting in my office scanning the laptop. I stood back a moment just taking her in. She stared intently at the screen and her lips softly moved as she read the content before her. Glasses rested on her nose as her bare feet propped on my desk. She now wore jeans and a bulky collared sweater. Never had she looked more beautiful to me as she did right now. "How's it coming along Angel?" I asked breaking the moment.

Alice looked up startled. "How long have you been standing there?"

Smiling, I stepped into the room. "Long enough to see how truly beautiful you are when no one's watching" .

Alice blushed and swatted her hand toward me. "Stop CJ". She half giggled.

Stepping in behind her I leaned down a kissed the top of her head. "It's true Angel."

Being close to her made me realize how much I've missed her and how awful I've been to her as of late. I was preparing to apologize when she spoke. "I've selected a dress and the flowers. I'm leaving the food and guest list up to you".

I grinned. "Let's see the dress?"

" No. It's bad luck for the groom to see the dress before the wedding". Alice spoke sternly.

"That's silly superstitions Angel" . I laughed.

"N... O.... No".

I held my hands up in surrender. "Why don't we go get dinner at the Den tonight? It will be refreshing".

Alice smiled. "I'd like that".

Not being able to hold back any longer, I tilted her chin up and connected our lips. A relaxing moan left Alice's throat and I deepened the kiss. "I've missed this so much. I promise all will be back to normal soon." .

I trailed my lips along her jawline as her arm's tightened around me. Using my chin, I nudged her bulky collar down so I could suckle her neck. Just as my lips made contact with the sweet skin there I saw it. A small reddish, blue mark. Oddly enough it resembled a nip almost like the one's I'd given her in the past. Automatically I knew something wasn't right but it never struck me until now. Alice was being to nice. For the past few day's she'd been in a rant over this wedding. Now she almost seemed happy and interested in it. I stood up straight and bore my eye's down on her. "You got something you need to tell me?"

Alice shook her head no but her face gave the truth away. All color left her cheeks and her eye's pooled with unshed tears. "One more time Angel. Do you need to tell me anything?" .

One lone tear escaped and trickled down her cheek. "I'm scared to tell you".

Those few word's seemed to rip the heart from my chest and punch holes in my lung. I knew for sure now that she was fooling around with someone. Gripping her by the forearms, I jerked her up and her toes barely grazed the floor. "You should be scared, very scared. Who the fuck is it?"

" It's not what you think CJ". Alice sobbed.

"Who the fuck is it?" I bellowed and losing control I slung her against the wall.

Alice hit hard and released a shrill before crumbling to the floor. Slowly I stalked toward her as she tried to scramble away. Gripping her hair, I jerked her up as she wailed out in pain. "Please don't CJ". She pleaded.

My crazy little chuckle erupted as I shoved my face into her face. "Angel I've tortured the truth from many men. Don't think for a second that it's beneath me to do that to you. You've got two choices... Tell me now or I'll take you to the pit and let my special devices do the talking".

" No CJ. Please listen. It's all a misunderstanding ".

Losing patience I begin to drag her to the door as she frantically tried to break free. Her nails dug into my arm's but I didn't relent. Once at the door Alice gave in a sobbed out. "Sire. It was Sire".

My hands went for her throat and I started to squeeze. "You've been fucking my cousin. My own blood"?

Alice managed to squeak out under the pressure I was applying to her throat. "No. Nothing like that. I was hurt, scared and confused by this forced wedding and your recent behavior. I had no one to talk and you refused to listen to me so I went to Sire. I just needed to talk to someone and he revealed his love for me. I have no feelings for him. It's you I love. Before I could react he grabbed me up".

I tossed her down like a sack of trash. "He will die and I haven't decided your fate yet". I snarled and spit at her before barreling out of there.

I didn't bother knocking once I reached Sire's door. Instead I brought my leg up and busted the door open with my foot. I could hear Alice running up behind me begging me to stop but there was only one end to this. Sire popped from around the corner to investigate the commotion. He grinned and said. "I've been expecting you".

" you know we all fight occasionally, get mad but this is an all time low. Trying to steal what's mine. Marking my girl".

"If she was your girl she wouldn't be seeking me out for advice on your relationship. You chased her here". Sire spoke casually.

Done with talking I lunged at him and we locked up. Fists were flying, blood spewing and bones cracking. All the while Alice stood back screaming for us to stop. Suddenly a gunshot echoed through the air and we instantly broke apart. Demarco stood in the center of the room demanding answers. "The fuck going on here cock suckers"?

Winded, I pointed toward Alice. "She's a fucking white and I'm going to kill Sire".

It didn't take much to put what had happened together. "No. This stops now. I expect both of you in my office in five".

As he turned to leave I launched myself back onto Sire. The next thing I recall was a sharp punch in my neck. Glancing to the side I saw my uncle injecting a needle into my neck. "If you can't calm the fuck down I'll do it for you". Demarco seethed.

The whooziness begin to creep in but before I succumbed I heard my uncle tell Alice that he wanted a word with her immediately. I don't know why he wanted to speak to her and knew it couldn't be good. Before my eye's shut I saw him dragging her out as she fought and screamed.

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