Under The Weather

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Hey guy's!

I hope everyone is doing well and will enjoy the weekend! I know my updates have been slacking off for the past week and I'm sorry. School has started back for my kiddos so I've been a very busy mommy. Between working, cleaning chores, helping my kid's with homework, cooking dinner and preparing them as well as myself for the next morning I'm tired y'all!!

By the time I get a moment for myself I'll sit down and begin to write and find myself dozing off 😔
However once I adjust to the new schedule and kick the summer lazies I'll resume updating as usual! Please just hang tight!

While I have your attention I'd like to announce that I will be continuing Trailer Trash very soon. I feel as if I've neglected it too long. As soon as I have more free time I will be starting on London and Laneys new adventure! Also I'm going to take my first jab at writing a werewolf book! I hope I have some wolf fans out there!

As always thanks for your support and everything! Love ya!


It's been three day's since I left CJ's apartment in a tizzy and he followed my wishes by not contacting me. I know our spat might seem trivial on the grand scale of thing's but his word's made me feel unimportant. Was I not good enough to meet his family? Was he ashamed of me and my past?

Sometimes your very own mind can be your worse enemy. I continuously tell myself that CJ didn't mean it in a bad way. He was caught off guard by his parent's and put on the spot. He said the first thing that came to mind. Then there's that nagging little voice that sets camp up in the root of my mind saying... He really isn't into you. Don't be a fool. He hid you from his parent's for a reason.

If only I could shut those negative thoughts off and don't take everything so personal. I blame my anxiety on my uncle and Derick but I've got to overcome it if I truly want a healthy relationship with CJ. One day at a time is all I can ask for. This isn't something anyone could get over overnight. It takes time, failed attempts and controlling my thoughts.

That's why I've held out on calling CJ. I'm ashamed of my behavior and I don't blame him if he's done with my crazy ass. Besides judging by his mom's reaction to me she didn't seem too enthused. I'm almost certain her little meeting with him the following day was to convince him to drop me or maybe I'm over thinking yet again.

In the mean time, since our weekend get away was a busy I returned to work. Another day, another dollar right? No need to waste my weekend when I could earn some cash. However by Sunday evening I had came down with a terrible cold and left for home early. Since then I've been curled up in my bed with multiple blankets tossed over my frigid body and surrounding with many rumpled, snotty tissues. My eye's are puffy and as of this morning my throat is scratchy. It takes all I have to get up to use the bathroom or get a glass of water. My achy body screams with every move. In fact I was so out of it I never heard my apartment door open.

"Alice can we talk? I haven't heard from you in day's and I miss you" . CJ's voice penetrated my little bubble of germs.

At first I was startled by the intrusion but I quickly recovered when I realized how hedious I must look. I hadn't bathed since early Sunday morning and I stank. My hair hadn't seen a brush since then either so I'm sure it was a knotty mess. Yanking the covers over my head I muffled out. "Go home CJ".

Obviously he assumed I was still upset. "Angel, I'm sorry. Please talk to me. This silent treatment shit is torture" .

I remained silent. Suddenly my blankets were jerked from my body. "No". I wailed in my scratchy voice as I scrambled to retrieve them.

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