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It's been nearly a month since Alice and I reconciled and thing's couldn't be better. We split our time between my place and hers. I've tried to convince her into leaving her small apartment to live with me but she's hell bent on proving that she can be a independent woman which is understandable considering the controlled life she's lived.

Do I like it? No, but I will allow her to spread her wings for awhile. Besides when I'm camped out at her place I don't have the stress of her discovering what I really am. No, I haven't yet told her, I just can't find the right word's to say. Believe me I've practiced in my head what to say but in the end I lose my nerve. I'm afraid she'll freak, leave me, tell someone or worse case scenario see me as some evil, deranged killer. I do realize I should tell her before she hears it from someone else but I'm lacking. I'll do it though.... One day.

As for her ex Derick, I'm still having him watched and so far so good. There's been no indication that he has tried to seek me out or made any contact with Alice. That doesn't mean he want, he just hasn't made any moves as of yet. I'm assuming he wants Alice to get comfortable in her new life without him before he strikes. To make her thing she has it all together and free just so he can bring her down to her weakest, lowest point yet but what he doesn't understand is that she has a lion standing behind her ready to attack anyone that harms his lioness. True, I could have him taken out at a moment's notice but where's the fun in that. I pray he comes to me thinking he has the upper hand or has taken me by surprise. Oh, the joy I'll feel in knowing that it will be me that crushes his ego along with his skull.

Today is Friday and Alice gets off early and I promised to pick her up from work. Having the weekend off we have made a few plans. Imagine that, me making plans with a chic. Tonight we plan on ordering takeout and do the Netflix and chill thing. Tomorrow we are getting up and driving to the Adirondacks for a change of scenery and couple time. We will spend the remainder of the weekend there.

Alice greeted me with a kiss when she left work to jump in my car. We made the usual chit chat that caught us up on each other's day and headed to my place. Once there, Alice took a bath and changed into some jogging pants accompanied with my oversized hoodie and a pair of fuzzy socks. Her hair was damp and pulled up into a messy bun and her face washed clear of all make-up. She'd never looked more tempting to me. I donned a pair of pajama pants and a old t-shirt as we waited on the pizza to arrive.

Once the pizza came we sat up camp on the living room floor. I laid the pizza on the coffee table while she grabbed a few beers, plates and napkins. We sat on pillows by the coffee table as the movie marathon began. After a few hours and overstuffed bellies we took a break from the tube. Alice turned to me and spoke. "This is the life".

I grinned and agreed. "What if we could do this all the time? Just quit our jobs and escape the world?" She said in a wishful thinking manner.

" we could do that ". I supplied. "But I think eventually we would grow tired of living like gypsies".

" No, not me. Ever. I could backpack through Europe, surf my way through Australia, run around like Tarzan in the rain forest, climb mountains in China, camp under the star's in the wild West and eventually settle down somewhere here. I'd live off the grid, grow my own food, build my home from sticks. Yea, I could really see myself doing all that". She said.

I laughed. "You, living off the land in the wilderness? I don't think you'd make it a month. And I could just give up my job and become a mobster". I said half jokingly.

Alice gave me a inquisitive look and I felt my nerves prickle but thankfully she turned her eye's from me and spoke again. "I find it odd that I haven't seen or heard from Derick".

I shrugged. "Alice, never let your guard down. He's out there so don't get too naive."

"I wish he were dead". She spat hatefuly then took a deep breath. "I shouldn't say such thing's about anyone no matter the situation".

Double Down (a double standards series) Dark Romance (Part 7)Where stories live. Discover now