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Once the door to Ramsey's private quarter's shut I spun around to face him with a beaming smile. "Shall we have a drink?" I asked.

Not that I really wanted a drink, I was just playing the part before I went in for the gold. Ramsey chuckled and went to the small wet bar the room provided. "What does the lady like?"

Without hesitation I said smartly. "Jack on the rocks".

He grinned. "A girl who knows what she wants. I like that".

And here was my openner, my time to lure him in deeper. Taking a few steps toward him, I made sure my hips swung provocatively. I let my tongue graze my top lip before I spoke. "Indeed I do. And when I see something I want nothing can stand in my way. I always get what I want". I clicked in a matter of fact tone.

Ramsey handed me my glass and took a drink from his own. He looked at me over the rim of his glass. "So what does Trixie want right now?"

Your wallet, your bank card and to be a gazillion miles off of this island I thought but instead I gave a sultry grin. " You. Trixie wants you. In fact Trixie believes you've been a bad boy and are in need of punishment ".

" Is that so? " he quirked.

"It is". I purred as I started unfastening his belt.

I slid it through the loops and folded it in half. "Its time to pay up Ramsey".

" And just how do you suppose I should pay up.... Trixie? "

"Go place your hands on the dresser and bend over". I commanded.

Without question he did as I asked. "Now drop your pants you naughty boy".

His pants made a swishing sound as he let them fall around his ankles. I didn't hold back as I sailed the belt down on his rear. The first stinging lash earned me a grunt from him. "Toughen up pussy. I don't let weaklings fuck me."  I reprimanded.

Just for spite I made the second lash even harder. I held my snickers in as I watched his face scrunch up trying to conceal his discomfort. "Tell me you like having your ass spanked red".

" I like having my ass spanked redddd". He said extending the D as I laid another lash to his bum.

After a few more smacks I reached inside of my dress and removed a small handheld tazer. Before he had the chance to notice I stuck it to the side of his neck. His cries were sealed off from the pain and his knees buckled yet I didn't back off. I kept the tazer to his skin as if it belonged there. As he was writhing around in pain, I grasped a small fire extinguisher that hung on the wall above us and gave him a good whack over the head. Immediately he went off to la la land. Not missing a beat, I rolled him over and snatched his wallet. Stuffing it quickly into my dress, I stood and started making my way to the door but froze in my track's.

The sound of applause halted me. Spinning around the blood drained from my face. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Looking for my Angel and looks like I found her". CJ said roughly as he twirled his cow prod like a baton.

" Nows not the time CJ. I have to get off this boat quickly". I said sternly.

"You don't have to do anything unless I tell you to. So this is how you do it huh? You lure them into a room, pretend to be interested then boom.... Beat their heads in". He chrotled.

" it's none of your concern ". I snarled and went for the door.

Before I could even grip the handle, I felt the coolness of the cow prod on my bare back but there was no electrical charge... Yet. "Remove your hand from the door and face me". CJ growled out.

Fuck , I inwardly groaned. Slowly I did as he asked. "CJ I'm sorry for running that night. I was scared and couldn't think clearly. I'm glad your okay. I've really missed you". I said trying to sound innocent.

CJ placed his hand to his chest. "I'm so relieved to hear that Angel. I've been worried sick over it all".

A nervous smile lit my face. I wasn't sure if he was being serious or sarcastic. Deciding to test the water's I reached for the handle once again. "I'm so glad you understand. Now I really must go. I promise I'll catch up with you soon" .

Before I could open the door I heard a faint hum and could feel the cow prod near my skin. "Do you really think I'd believe the bullshit that just spewed from your mouth? Let go of the handle Alice. Your run is over" .

I can't go back to living a controlled life. It's not about his mafia ties anymore. Hell, I can't even use that against him after my robbing rampage. I recall very well all the time's CJ swore he would never harm me in any manner so I decided to push my limits even further. If he was true to his word he was just using the cow prod to enforce his commands. Not heeding his warning, I opened the door and prepared to step out. Before my foot could cross the threshold I felt a sudden zap on my rump. A shrill squeal pushed pass my lips as I jumped. I couldn't believe that he actually did that to me. Okay, so he didn't have it set on high and he barely grazed me but he still did it. I turned to face him while rubbing my bum and I could see a hint of a smirk playing on his mouth. "How dare you?" I hissed.

Taking a few steps towards him, I jabbed my pointer finger into his chest. "You find that funny asshole?"

" Fucking hilarious ". He replied shoving my finger from his chest.

That was it. I had grown too much, overcame my past and managed to survive. I'll be damn if I'll allow him to swipe it all away. "Listen control freak, I make my own decisions now. You nor anyone else can dictate what I do".

Suddenly CJ whipped his arm out and grabbed my arm. "You are mine Alice. The sooner you understand this the better we will get along".

Fire erupted in the pit of my stomach and I tried to lurch away but his grip was too strong. In a full rage, my palm connected to his cheek. A growl emitted from his as he hefted me up by my arm's and slammed me on my bottom atop the dresser. His hand wrapped around my throat and pushed my head back against the wall. "Stop this nonsense Angel. You love me. Stop pretending that you don't. If you hated me so you would have allowed them bastards to kill me that night but you didn't. You saved me. Look at me and tell me that you don't love me".

I stared into his beautiful eye's and recalled how the time's they penetrated my own. His eye's alone told me how much he loves me. Trying to shove him off my voice cracked. "F-Fuck you CJ"

I hated myself as a lone tear trickled from my eye. "There's my Angel, my sweet baby, my little coffee shop girl. Fuck I love you and I've been going out of my mind without you. Never leave from my side again".

I couldn't hold out any longer. I had to feel his lips upon mine. That's all I wanted was his touch and to hell with the consequences. Leaning up, I pounced on him. All of our hurt, anger, sadness was in this kiss but most importantly love. We were so engrossed in our long overdue kiss neither of us heard Ramsey awaken until we heard the click of the gun. My eye's flew open to see the barrel right at CJ's head. CJ released that familiar crazy chuckle and I knew shit was about to get real.

Double Down (a double standards series) Dark Romance (Part 7)Where stories live. Discover now