Angels And Demons

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In this life even death must be earned. Well if that's true the bastard that is currently strung up in the pit is an over achiever. My lucky stars would have it that Alice didn't kill the second fuck sent to end my life.

It didn't take long for my men to locate me that night but they were still too late to stop Alice from darting off into the night. Immediately I was taken to the medical facility at the den while my men cleared the murder scene. Upon discovering the second man still breathing, they brought him back where he was nursed back to good health only so I could extract my revenge and possibly get some answers as to who he works for. I believe it's safe to assume whoever this thorn is in our side they want every Harper dead. Since the attack on me we no longer go out alone. We leave out in herds and double upped our men.

Thankfully the bullet made a clean shot through my thigh so after a good cleaning and several stitches I was good to go. Soon as I hobbled from the doctor's office I found the nearest computer to search for Alice. The tracker that I had inserted into her arm led me to a small diner near by the attack scene. With a smirk on my face I entered the bathroom where the tracker lit up. Knowing I had her you could imagine my surprise at the scene before me. Blood dribbled the floor as well as the sink. Fear gripped my chest as I wondered if she too had taken a bullet but then I saw it. Lying in the basin of the sink, a small shiny object covered in blood and skin tissue. Picking it up, I eyed it closely in disbelief. I couldn't believe that Alice had the ball's to Slice into her arm and remove the tracker. Then again I couldn't believe a lot of her behavior these day's. Gone was my sweet coffee shop girl and it's my fault.

My life has tainted her and turned her cold. I never wanted that to happen, I just wanted her to love me, accept me. Overnight my life turned her into a killer but it also told me something. Alice could have very allowed those men to kill me yet she stopped it. Why? Could she love me? She could have shot me as well but she didn't. Instead she killed my attackers and fled. Now she's out here alone with no money and no place to go. Stuffing the tracker into my pocket I left the building and had the men scour the city for her. At home I remembered she was wearing my grandmother's necklace. Tapping into my Pop Pop's file I scanned the system for her, Somewhat shocked to discover that she was in Pennsylvania. At least that information led me to believe that she was in a vehicle and maybe secured a little money. Just as I was about to begin my journey into finding her my phone buzzed. Seeing my uncle Demarco's number I rolled my and answered. "Yea".

" Get your pansy ass to the Den pronto, meetings about to start". Without further notice he disconnected.

Blowing out a strained breath, I stuffed my phone into my pocket and put my search off for now. Little did I know my search would be coming to an end all together. As we all filed into my uncle's office I prepared myself for an onslaught of questions. Naturally he asked where I was at, how many were there, if I could identify any of them. After an hour or so of questions I was ready to leave and resume my hunt for Alice. Just as I was about to excuse myself, Demarco laid down a set of new rules for the entire family. None of us, including the women were to leave the premises unless we went with three or more and a small army of men. If we did have to leave we was to report our whereabouts to him and what time we could be expected back.

These new rules really threw off my plans for Alice. Sure I could disobey Demarco and continue on my hunt, after all I'm a grown man but I'm also wise enough to know to not undermine my uncle, especially with his temper so high strung.

Returning to my apartment in a bitter mood I decided to lay it down. Besides the pain meds was wearing on me and I needed to heal quickly. This didn't mean I had given up on Alice, it meant that finding our enemy was first priority before another hit could be made on our family. I did still keep up with her. I kept a tab on her tracker and so far she had been lighting up the entire map of the USA. Every few weeks she would be in a different location, New city.

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