Alternate Ending

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Hello love's!

I hope everyone is feeling better today and over the shock! Thanks for sticking by me through it all! As some may know I do have an alternate ending to yesterday's chapter so please take a moment to read this message so I don't have to answer so many questions. Not that I mind your questions but it gets a bit tiresome repeating the same answer over and So to avoid future confusion please read! Oh and the next few chapters will be emotional and yes this book is about the 9th and Cole Jr. Please just hang tight and very soon I'll get to his story. I just feel since Laney and London's character's were so loved I need to at least give them a nice farewell and that can't be done in 1 chapter!

First let me explain the direction I'm aiming for in this possible book. So by now we all know Laney and London are no more. I ended the last chapter as if they found each other in heaven or whatever some may prefer to call it. In this alternate ending however Laney will not remember London or anything about her life on earth. Rest assured it Will still be the Laney and London we love. You know all the passion, anger, humor and impulsive antics. However this crushes London that she doesn't remember him or their life. London goes through heaven and hell to help her remember.

This book won't necessarily be apart of the Harper series but you will need to know their beginnings. It will still deliver everything you've always loved about them. I hope you understand exactly what direction I'm planning on taking here. I've pieced together a small insert to give clarification on the direction. Please give feedback on your thoughts. I'd like to know how many would be interested in reading this before I begin to write it. Thanks for your time!



Suddenly there was nothing but white surrounding me. No sound, no nothing. Just bright whiteness. No more pain or sorrow. No doctor's rushing about or cries coming from my loved one's. It was if I was walking briskly but yet I wasn't moving. The brightness faded and turned more into a dense fog. The fog begin to clear and I could hear what sounded like the ocean.

I noticed I was all cleaned up and wearing a fresh, black suit. There was no trace of blood nor my wounds. I felt.... Alive. More alive than I ever felt.

The fog evaporated completely and I realized I was standing at the beginning of a pier. Our pier to be exact. The sun shown bright, seagulls swooped above and I could feel the warm, salty breeze off of the ocean. Looking off in the distance, I saw a lone figure. Curious as to who it might be and wondered if danger lurked, I placed my hand near my waistband, closer to my gun. Gingerly, I moved in closer. As I did the lone figure begin to twirl.

A smile broke my face and my steps quickened. I knew exactly who it was. It was my babydoll. Only she would take to spinning like that. In a crowded room Laney always knew I had one eye on her. If she couldn't spot me she'd start spinning slowly knowing I'd always find her.

Suddenly she came to an abrupt stop staring at me. This wasn't the baby doll I recently left behind. No this was Laney as I had first met her all those year's ago. She was young, beautiful and vibrant. She wore those tiny cut off Jean shorts, a tank top and sandals on her perfect feet. This was the spunky Laney I fell for. I glanced down at my hands and saw that they were no longer that of an older man. I was young again and in my prime. I finally looked deeply at Laney and smiled. "Baby doll".

Laney quirked her head to the side and took me in somewhat like you would do a stranger. "Excuse me, do I know you?"

At first I snickered thinking she was kidding but the seriousness on her face said otherwise. "Yes, you do" I said trying to mask my hurt.

"I don't think so and please don't address me as your baby doll". She snapped in that all to familiar authoritative tone.

It hurt but I couldn't be mad at her for the life of me. It was clear she was confused and probably scared. "What should I call you then and why was you spinning?" I asked.

Tilting that defiant little chin up toward me made me smile. She spoke as if trying to scare me. "Queen. You can call me a queen".

I laughed out loud. "I like the sound of that.... Queen".

She just stared at me harshly. "Tell me my queen, why was you spinning?"

Instantly her brow furrowed and she looked down. She started rubbing her arm's, a nervous habit she always had. The sad look that now marred her face broke my heart. "I, I don't know why. It just feels right. Like I'm waiting on something, waiting for someone to find me. I'm not even sure where I'm at or how I got here. It's silly but when I start to spin a calmness comes over me and I'm no longer scared".

A lump formed in my throat as I mentally begged her to remember. I had to go to her, hold her, tell her it was me she was waiting for. I took a few steps toward her and outstretched my arm. Before I could get a fingertip on her she had my wrist bent back, a knee in my gut and my back on the wood planks of the pier. Quickly she pulled the hairpin knife from her head and placed it at my throat. "Never make sudden moves around me. I will end you".

In spite of myself I laughed. I taught her every bit of this. With a jerk she released me and stood up. I scrambled up behind her. "Tell me queen, how did you learn such moves"?

" I, I don't know. I wasn't aware I could do that until now. Stop asking questions". She spat suddenly irritable.

"The fucks your name anyways and what's in that black bag?"

I looked down and saw my black bag by my feet. It was the first I had seen it. "London" . I said.

She repeated my name back ever do slowly and my heart sped up. "London. Your name's London".

I nodded my head and toed my black bag. "And this is full of secrets".

She placed her hand on her neck as if she was feeling for something. Perhaps the yellow diamond necklace that signals for help. "Do you remember something Laney?"

Her head shot up instantly. "Lany. My name is Laney. I do remember that" .

I smiled as another thought struck her. "How do you know my name?"

I nodded toward the bench that was so special to us. "Sit my queen, I have a hell of a story to tell you. Do you like stories?"

" Only if they end on a good note". She said sitting in the bench.

I sat down slowly beside her, trying not to frighten her. "Tell me Laney, do you like monsters?"

For the first time she looked me dead in the eye's. Without much emotion she stated firmly. "Yes I do. In fact I eat them for breakfast".

I gave my crooked little, up to no good grin. "Then you're going to love this story baby doll" .

Double Down (a double standards series) Dark Romance (Part 7)Where stories live. Discover now