Trouble Has A New Name

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I know the song is a oldie but nothing more better describes Duel's personality \attitude. This song was made for him!

Introducing Duel Harper, Demarco and Sam's other son!! Enjoy him!!

Leaving Alice behind I rushed home in anticipation of what was to come. How? Why? What the fuck was Duel doing back? I can only imagine the turmoil he'd be bringing with him.

I love my little cousin but he is a hellion with no regards for consequences. If my uncle Demarco couldn't handle him there may be no hope. Even Heir slowed his roll when his father spoke up. I can only imagine what has made him return without the families permission. After all he knows his life and future is on the line here.

Once home I raced to my uncle's place where the entire clan waited on pins and needles. Making my way to King first, I nudged my shoulder into his and spoke in a undertone. "I thought Duel was back?"

King rolled his eye's and spoke with disinterest. "Apparently so. Everyone one is awaiting his arrival like the second coming."

I took in King's appearance and thought how bad he looked. I haven't seen much of him since the murders, in fact no one has. Black circles wrapped around his eye's and his face looked slimmer. "How you doing man?"

shooting me a annoying look he spat. "I wish everyone would leave me the fuck alone. I'm fucking delightful, a bowl of fucking cherries".

I knew otherwise but decided to drop it, besides he had already sped off down the hall away from the group. This wasn't like King at all. Normally he was a happy go lucky guy who had goals set in place. The murder of his parent's has really messed him up and he's lost. Before I could think any more on it the door swing open wide and in stepped Duel dressed all in black. Black jeans, black t-shirt, black leather jacket and bulkly black biker boots.

He waltzed in with a crooked grin and tossing a shiny red apple in the air. "Honey I'm home". He sang out before taking a crunchy bite out of the apple.

Sam rushed up to him and pulled him in for a hug but uncle Dem stood back with his arm's crossed glareing him down. Duel broke the big with his mom and took a few steps toward his Pape. "Aren't you going to welcome me home Pop's".

Demarco waiting a long moment before he replied. "You aren't suppose to be here. Explain yourself?"

" For fuck sakes Pop, you can't continue to keep me away. It's been nearly two year's. I was sick of living with the family in Italy, so I stole money from them to catch me a flight home".

"You stole fucking money from family?" Demarco growled and I knew things were about to get deep.

" hold your nuts Pop. I don't actually call it stealing when you sent monthly checks for my care. I took my own money. Just enough to buy a plane ticket. Once I landed in Virigina, I jacked a car from some couple and used their cash for fuel and food". Duel smiled brightly.

"You did what?" My uncle boomed.

" I jacked a... " Duel begin to repeat his story.

Demarco starting waving his hands frantically and shaking his head violently. "I heard what the fuck you said, I'm asking why in the hell would you do that knowing your predicament here? I swear part of your brain doesn't work".

" Fuck Pop's calm the shit down. It's not like I killed anybody this time. I kept the girl for awhile because she was not and I thought maybe if she got to know me she'd be fun but the birch kept screaming and crying so I dropped her off on the side of the road".

Demarco's face turned different hues of red. "That's fucking kidnapping you dumb fuck. Please, don't open that hole under your nose anymore. I'm afraid to hear what other charges you may have accumulated. Wheres the fucking stolen car at now?"

"I parked it out front by the building".

Demarco broke out in angry laughter trying to keep his cool. "You, you parked it where?"

Before Duel could reply Demarco barked out orders to his men. "Make the car disappear now."

Turning his focus back to his son he growled. "Of all places you left it here. Are you trying to get us all busted?"

Before Duel could speak Heir yelled out. "Oh fuck. Your on t.v. Duel. Seems you made the news. Their looking for your ass".

" God damn it". Demarco yelled slamming his fist down on the table. "Someone phone Jax and tell him to get his ass here immediately" .

Finally Duel bellowed out. "Don't blame this on me Pop. You should have sent for me when my grandparents were killed. I should have been here. I want to be apart of this as well. I want to feel the bastards that did this blood on my hands. I'm a fucking Harper too".

" I sent you away for your own protection, to keep you out of jail and to keep your head attached to your neck. You fucking killed the mayor of this city. Even with the aid of Jax we couldn't throw the scent off you. You aren't safe here". Demarco hissed.

"The mayor deserved to die and you know it Pop's. He was too close to exposing the family for what we are." Duel hurled back.

" Yes, he was a thorn in the family's side and needed to be dealt with but in a more discreet manner. The fuck Duel, you walked into the man's home and slit his throat while he ate his dinner and you was barely sixteen at the time. What if his wife or children would have been there at the time? Your work was sloppy and not well thought through. You left behind too much evidence and could have brought the entire family down. If my Pape hadn't of taken you to Italy we'd all be rotting in a jail cell. As much as I hate that bastard Jax I owe him for tampering with the evidence to mislead the detectives ". My uncle gritted out.

Duel crossed his arm's as a cocky grin spread across his face. "Are you mad because you think I almost outted the family or are you mad because out of us all I was the only one that had enough ball's to do something about it, that I saved the family from his speculation and for once you weren't the one to bask in the glory or get the credit".

Demarco lunged at him and wrapped his hands around his throat. Sam as well as the rest of us tried to separate the two. "You may be my son but you will disgrace us and be our downfall. I'll end you before I see that happen".

" Demarco ". Sam hissed.

Duel chuckled smartly. "No, I won't disgrace the family. You already did that when you stepped out on my mother with that Russian Ivy. Just because I wasn't born yet doesn't mean I haven't heard the stories. You allowed another man to abuse my mother and for that I hate you".

" Duel". Sam hissed.

Demarco lunged for him again but we intercepted. Before anything else could happen the door opened and in came Conner along with his family. "Welcome to hell". Mizery chimed in.

Duel  looked over at them and spotted Zoe standing beside her mother. Zoe was a few years older than Duel and the two had only met maybe once or twice due to the falling out with Pop Pop and Conner. Duel gave a sly grin. "Damn girl, you've really filled out. Since you are adopted technically we aren't related. You might want to keep that in mind for the future".

Duel proceeded to walk from the room as we all stood there completely mind blown. There was no way I could allow Alice to join this insane group for dinner.

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