Steam And Matches

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We kissed for the longest time. As the kiss deepened so did the pressure I applied to her hair. My main goal was to show her that even though sex could be rough there was a difference between a loving touch and and angry touch. Little did I know I was awakening a wild beast. My wild beast just for me.

Pulling away from the kiss, Alice took a few steps back and slowly slid the straps of her dress from her shoulders. I watched As the material floated to the floor and she stood before me in nothing but her lacy panties and heels. She was a sight to behold. I watched As her nipples puckered just from my gaze. Giving a boyish smirk, I peeled my shirt over my head and begin unbuckleing my belt. I stepped from my pants as well as my briefs. I watched As Alice's eye's seemed to devour me. Ever so slowly she moved closer like a cat on the prowl. Once she was mere inches from me she placed her mouth to my chest. Her tongue blazed a trail to my nipple where she gently teased it with delicate nips. Sliding her tongue to my other nipple, she repeated her ritiual. Moments later her tongue slowly maneuvered in a downward spiral, stopping along each individual ab to kiss. Eventually her tongue found it's way further down to where what female's call the sexy V. Her tongue rained havoc here as she licked along the V path. Her hair trickled over my hardness and I could feel the warmth of her breath. This woman was driving me crazy with desire. Her tongue left from its location leaving a coolness behind. Without warning her mouth enveloped my shaft and my head fell backwards against the wall. Soon I couldn't contain myself any longer, I had to have her. With a grunt I lifted her up and made my way to the bed.

Alice's hair fanned out about her along the mattress as I hovered atop her. Standing up on my knees I lifted her leg into the air. Gently I ran my tongue up the instep of her foot before I tugged her toe into my mouth. From there I licked across her ankle, down her calf and to her inner thigh. I repeated with the opposite leg but once I reached her inner thigh I attacked her heated center. Alice cried out as I suckled her juices from her. I was a kitten and she my dish of milk.

After spending several sweet moment's drinking her up I slowly made my way back up her body making sure I didn't miss an inch of her. Her chest was heaving from being worked over and a glittery mist of sweat dappled her forehead. Her eye's seemed glazed over and a wild want was shining through. Alice shot me a sex induced grin and I returned it with a smile of my own. Lowering my head, I captured her mouth "Please CJ, I need more". She said in a throaty voice.

And I gave it to her. In one fluid motion I thrust deep inside her slowly. We rocked back and forth, hip to hip, thrust for thrust in the most sensual experience I'd ever shared with a female. I'd never felt this before with any other. No, this wasn't just a fuck, this was making passionate love. I kept pulling her closer to my body until I thought I'd smother her face into my chest. Then I felt it, the tiniest sharp pain as her teeth nipped at my skin. A pain that felt wonderful, a pain that meant so much. Regardless if she knew it or not she had claimed me. I was hers as she was mine.

We woke the next morning in each other's arm's and laughed when we saw rose petals stuck to our bodies. I started removing the petals from her body with my mouth which instigated another round of lovemaking. Afterwards we shared a bath and I was preparing to take her home so she could dress from work when Heir busted in. Not seeing Alice from behind the open fridge door he blurted out. "We've got another suspect at the Den. This one is believed to know more about the Ghost and murders".

Waving my hand drastically to try and hush him Alice peeked around with a odd look. "Fuck, my bad bro. Didn't know you was banging her again" .

Wanting to drowned his face in my fist I gritted out. "I'll see everyone in about thirty".

Once he vanished I looked at Alice who I knew would have some questions. "What's he talking about CJ? Ghost? Murders?"

I gave a fake chuckle. "Its just job lingo for difficult client's. The Den is our office. Ghost is hard client's and murders means someone who is trying to weasel out of a deal and killing us financially" .

Seemed believable enough to me. "Hmmm... Strange but it is your job After all. Who am I to question your mumbo jumbo".

I grabbed my key's in a hurry to dispose of this topic and to get to the Den. "You ready angel?"

Nodding her head we walked out. Promising to pick her up from work I raced back to the Den. "What do we know?" I asked as I entered the pit.

" his name is Thames. He's worked for the Ghost for three year's yet had never met him personally. He has spoken to him over the phone several time's but none recently. He doesn't have a legit number for him. Claims he wasn't allowed to contact him and always received his calls by different, untraceable numbers. Does say that he does have an Italian accent but sounds as if they speak through a voice alternator. He collects his money from job's at different locations and it's just drop offs. He meets with no one. A bag will be hidden from view for him to retrieve it. Sometimes a park, abandoned car trunk or landfill. "

"Think he's telling the truth?"

Heir stepped aside so I could view the tattered man as Demarco was currently drilling holes in his kneecaps. At first glance I knew the man was pouring all his secrets out. "Whoever we are dealing with is taking great measures to ensure their identity isn't found out. Their smart, I'll give them that but we are smarter. Rats always leave a shit trail behind. He'll slip up." . I said.

Heir nodded. "We need to expand the search possibly to Italy" .

I shrugged. "Maybe so but didn't he say he thought they was altering their voice? Could be another decoy. We still need to investigate other groups as well."

" nice of you to join us fuckface". Demarco called over the hum of the drill and weakened screams.

"Running late to this is a bad sign. What? You in love or some shit? That why you took so long? Knee deep in pussy? Get over here and finish this fuck off". Dem ordered.

I tensed at his word's scared he may know about Alice but I acted as if it was nothing. Walking over to the half dead man I heard him mumble. "Please, save me" .

"Nothing can save you" . I snarled and instructed Heir to hold his mouth open as I poured gasoline down his gullet.

Once the can emptied I struck a match and dropped it down his throat. He made one very pretty Roman candle.

Returning home to wash the scent of burnt human off me I discarded the clothes. Now it was time to pick up my angel from work and I didn't want blood on my hands in her presence.

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